So, we'll ignore the bit about the fire alarm going off at 2:15 in the morning shall we?
While the last groups did their caving trip, the rest of us went for a bit of a walk followed by the bizarre spectacle of rabbit-shearing. Yes folks, rabbit-shearing. I'll let the photos do the talking, there is very little to say except that the fur is lovely and soft, but also very warm when it comes off the rabbit. Oh, and by strange coincidence the rabbits they use are German 'rotweilers'.
An uneventful drive to Taupo (pronounced tow-paw).
For our free day in Taupo we took up the gauntlet and trekked the Tongariro crossing. Wow. What scenery. What views. What reward for the hard work (and getting up at 5:30 in the morning). What reward for carrying my boots all the way accross Australia and Fiji just to get them here. There is still a lot of snow up there, but the glorious sunshine made sure it was shorts and t-shirt weather. Most of this is LOTR scenery, and Mt Ngauruhoe (Mt Doom) is just as intimidating in real life as it is in the films. Unable to go up it, we settled for taking the side track to the Tongariro Peak, making our final time of 6 hours 25 minutes for around 27 kilometres in this stunning volcanic terrain all the more impressive, I think.
As if the day couldn't get any better, we were back on time to do a skydive over Lake Taupo, in near perfect conditions. After the initial feeling of 'oops, I just fell out of a plane' it is exhilarating. See the photos - I think my facial expressions will tell the story much more effectively. As an aside, kudoes goes to the guy who passed out on the plane going up (thin air and all that), was revived and still jumped. And to anyone who is planning on doing this, tell your tandem that you want to do spins and all that jazz - so much fun!
Now, it's our last night before the group splits up tonight - par-tay!
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