Well sorry it has been so long since the last update but it has a hetic few days of sightseeing, travelling and partying. Italy was amazing. We arived in florence midday and checked into the hostel. The hostel was quite good. It had a swimming pool and sauna and cheap food. The only bad thing was when we went to the bar at night there was nobody about. Anyway during th short time we had we split up. Lisa and Peddie went to the gallery to see David which was quite impressiv by all accounts but me and ricky went to the pool and then went to see the replica and the other sights. We got back and had a nap and then walked up to Michaelangelos Plaza at sunset which was aweome as im sure you can tell by the pictures. We then got up fairly early and set of to Venice. Venice is rather unique and you have to go to really see its beauty. If anyone wants a place to sta i would recommend our room as it was cheap and really near the rialto bridge. We went for an ice cream that night which was probably the best ice cream i have ever had. Another early night that night as me ,lisa and ricky had a pritty bad cold so we were really tired. Peddie just has one strong immune system. We explored venice in the morning. Peddie got us lost a couple of times but geography came in useful and we soon found our way with a map. Me and Peddie went up the tower (not sure what it is called) in St Marks square and just sat up there looking down at people. When we were up there the bells started ringing as well which was quite cool for about 30 seconds and then our ears started to ring. That night we came back to the square and when too and fro from the stands in the cafes with the small orchestras. Even ricky was loving it and they really got the crowd going. We decided against sitting for a drink when we saw it was 10euro for a small coke. There was one hilarious moment in Venice that really deserves a seperate entry to be honest. The first night we set of in the opposite direction to St Marks Square in search of a cheap meal. We found one but it wasnt worth it. Lisas and rickys meals were fine. But when peddies meal came a few mins later when peddies pizza arrived we just burst out laughing as i think they had run out of pizza dough and they had just used a wrap for bread. And then peddie complained but they didnt understand us. To be honest i dont think they spoke much italian either as they were chinese. Peddie complaining was hilarious. He shouted over the waiter and said "excuse me, why has he got a pizza (pointing at rickys pizza) and why have i got a wrap?" The waiter just looked blankly. So peddie just replyed " I want to talk to somebody about this" We were dieing with laughter. So they brought him a small bowl of fruit which he didnt really want. By this time my pizza arrived about 15mins after everyone elses and mine was worse than peddies. Not only did i have a wrap for a pizza i hardly had any cheese or tomato on it either. I just refused to eat it and they soon took it away. I just had bread for tea that night.
Anyway enough about the meal im sure i should be talking about the amazing sights but it was just such a funny momne t or atleast we thought it was. The next day was kinda bad as we got up early and went to the train station to realise that there was only one train to slovenia at 2120 so we would have to wait about 11 hours. So we had alook at the map and ended up getting a train to Villach in Austria and then getting a train to Slovenia. We still had to wait til 4 but it was worth it for the amazing scenary through the Alps. The best thing was we had a cabin to our selves apart from a student from Venice but we got talking to him. We could also stick our heads out of the windows which was really refreshing. We arrivewd in Slovenia quite late to the sound of a Slovenia band playing in our hostel. We got some food there and listened to the end of it. That night wasnt too great though as i think my cold peaked and i was coughing loads and because we were in a 12 person dorm and i didnt want to wake everyone with my coughing fit so i went out and just laid on a window ledge but didnt get any sleep so jsut watched the sun rise over the Alps. We had one early morning that day as the train was at 815 and if we missed it the next train was in the evening. Dont think they have many trains in this part of the world. So we got the train to Zagreb in hope of getting the train at 11 to Split but the train was full so we had to wait til 330 so we sat in a cafe on a square and had a huge hamburger. The train to Split took six hours and it didnt pass too fast as we were so tired but couldnt fall asleep. So we looked at the amazing scenary played solitare and me and lisa played eyespy. We got in to Split at 9 after seeting off at 8, to be bombarded by people offering appartments. We manged to bargain a women down nearly half for a room although she charged us extra for a fan. Split is a backpackers paradise. Cheap rooms cheap food and cheap beer. We went down to the beach today and we all went for a snorkel which me and ricky had to walk miles for and then got 3 for 200kn and they were on sale for 180kn each so the bargaining went quite well there. There wasnt really much to see but it was jsut good to explore. We spent about 5 hours down at the beach and saw that a stage was been set up and there were loads of Rastas about. We went and got a shower and a meal which was probably the best so far. I had a cajun white fish salad. Well what a night we had. We went down and couldnt get in anywhere as all th security was turning everone away and telling people they needed tickets so we headed up to a club which hung over the stage to watch but we kept been told to move away. Lisa ended up befriending one of the Rastas calle Jimmy who happened to be a band member and from England so he ended up taking us backstage and letting us in for free. The music was awesome and the setting for it couldnt had been any better as it was right near the sea and people were dancing and even those in the sea were dancing. We were right at the front and just kept shouting "Jimmy" and he just had a massive grin and gave us the thumbs up. We partyed into the night and then got phone numbers of them at the end so we can go see them in the UK but i think they are tour America for abit first. Lisa even kissed an old (50ish but still good looking) rasta and apparently his beard wa really soft. Well we are currently waiting for a ferrry to Hvar which is a Croatian island that is meant to be really beautiful and apparently alot of films are filmed on there. Well i am sure yours eyes are hurting after this huge post so i will say bye and i am missing everyone.
Tom xx
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