Have just arrived in barcelona after gettting the trin from Malaga. the train in psain are amazingly quick and very luxarious even though we had to pay a 20euro supplement which was uite annoying. Havn´t done anything in barca yet but the hostel is really nice and there are loads of english speaking people which makes a change. suprisingly there were no english people in Malaga. we went out the first night expecting loads of brits and irish but we just found spainish people but we still talked to quite a few of them. Well me and lisa did althogh ricky did get a dance of a spainsh women much to his delight. Malaga is suprising up market and we walked down the front last night and sat eatting ice cream. We also went to the beach and i went for a snorkel but lets just say i wouldnt recommend Malaga for snorkelling. We cooked carbanara pasta both nights there and made our own full english so ricky felt at home. I will add some pictures on tommorrow and will let you know how barcalona is. Going to meet some people now and have a very cheap beer.
Adios Tom
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