Well we have had quite an eventful few days really mainly of sitting on public transport or waiting for it. But it has all been worth it. Since the last update we got a water taxi to some islands just of Hvar. They were really stunning with crystal clear waters. Quite busy in parts and there were alot of big boats about. We went for a snorkel and fed the fish bred and bananas. Me and lisa fed the fish bread from between our toes but ricky and peddie didnt. Ricky was more interested in squirting suncream on my shorts when i was asleep. (revenge to come). The funniest part was i told him he had to rub it off with tissue and when he was a tour boat pulled up right next to us. not a good look. we then went for another snorkel but people soon got out as it was too cold but i stayed and fed the fish sea urchings ( god knows how you spell it) and as i was swimming about i saw an octopus. So peddie and ricky soon jumped back in but were reluctant to get too close as i jokingly told them it was poisonous. The morning after we got up at 7 as we knew we had a long journey ahead of us. The revenge for the shorts and suncream came in the form of me squiting toothpaste up rickys nose. We went down to the dock expecting the ferries to be every 2 or 3 hours max but they weent so we had to wait til 1. the ferry only took1 hour and we then walked to the bus station to find out the next bus wasnt til 815. Just what we wanted to hear but no-one complained and we just went to he beach for a couple of hours and then for a meal where we had gone a couple of dys beore in Split. The Bus then roled up and it wasnt too bad togin with as the sun was setting and i managed to get the whole back seat to lay out on. The sun soon set and the bus soon filled up.( who gets abus at 11 at night?) So it was a rather cramped boring 6hour bus journey. Ricky did makes us laugh though as he needed the toilet so went to the loo but it was locked so went to go ask the bus driver for the key. However he didnt speak english so a women had to translate. The toilets were out of order though. !0mins further down the road the bus pulled over and the women translated that he had pulled over so ricky could go for a wee in the bushes much to the whole buses amusement. It gets better. When ricky got back on the bus he went back down to the front. And i quote. He said to the women translating to the bus driver. "That was all well and good but it wasnt a wee i needed". The women just laughed translated and then the bus laughed. Apart from the bus driver who jsut shouted at him. So at the next bus stop the driver shouted at him to go to the bus station and be quick. But the bus station was closed ao he tried getting into a club but he had no shoes on. Lets just say he held it in. Anyway the bus finally pulled over for our stop and we got off. We were in the middle of nowhere with no idea where the hostel was and the numebr was engaged. If you have ever seen horror movies where there is a winding road in the woods with only the satrs for light then this was the setting. We decided to walk one way along the road and after 5mins of creepy walking a car pulled over. We were all abit sceptical and we showed him where we wanted to go and he said yes this is me jump in. We didnt trust him at all and thought that we really were in a horror film. But we got in. I asked him if he had got our phone calls early which we know he had and he just replied, "no phone calls". At this point ricky was ready to gag him with his towel and i was ready to hit him with my torch when we pulle into the hostel. Me and ricky got the basement which was a little creepy but because we were so tired it didnt really bother us and in the morning it looked alot nicer. I would definately recommend the place we stayed, especially if you like lots for breakfast, although 9 in the morning was alittle early for us, but it did mean we got up early to go the national park. Im afraid i cant get the pictures up at he moment and talking about its beauty wont do it any justice. I think even the pictures dont do it jutice so you will just have to go yourself. The park is basically a series of crystal clear lake that link in a series of waterfalls. We ended up spending about 9hours there 6-7 of which we were walking. We saw some cool wildlife though with loads of trout or salmon, dragonflys and a few snakes. No beers but they are there. Got The bus to agreb today which only took about 3 hours which seems nothing now. Zagreb is really pretty but not much to see and quite quiet as everyone has gone to the coast. To Budapest tommorrow and i look forward to a lye-in.
Tom xx
P.S. I will try and get some photos up but this computer isnt having any of it. Says there is an I/o device error. Nyone no what that is?
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