Well nothing really amazing has happened in the past 2 days. Forgot to add that when we were on the bus to Zagreb Ricky again needed a wee and the toilet door was locked so he asked the busdriver for the key but he didnt have one so he had to go at the next bus station. In Zagreb there wasnt too much to do. Well for teenagers. So we ended up watching a couple of films and cooking chicken fajitas. The train the next morning took 7hours to Budapest and the temperature outside was 42degrees. So rather hot. That night we went out for an italian with an amreican guy we met and ricky ended up going to a club with him later that night but the rest of retired alittle earlier as we are going out tonight until quite late. today lisa went shopping for some high heels but failed to find any to her standards and me ricky and peddie went to look around the palace. We then met up and went to the house of terror which is an old building used by the hungarian nazi party and communist party. It was quite powerful with images of bodies being bulldozed and they had reconstructed prison cells. One of them you could only stand up in and there were cells where they hung people. Cooking chicken cabonara pasta tonight and then going to discover what Budapest has to offer at night which sounds really good.
Tom xx
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