After a fairly big night drinking, we treated ourselves to a lie in until about 10. We had booked a bus to Delat for 12 so got had a lazy pack up and debate from the room. We were stood around waiting for a bit with nice looking sleeper buses coming and going. It reached about 12:30 and the bus still hadn't turned up. With more sleeper buses coming and going as time went by we were getting s little nervous, but buses were notoriously late. At about 12:35 a tiny beaten up mini bus was driving towards us and we all started joking about how terrible it would be having to do the 5 hour bus journey on this tiny bus, rammed to the rim with people. It was at his point that the bus stopped outside and our faces dropped. The driver popped out, and the dreaded words 'bus to Dalat' came out in the broken Vietnamese accent. So me, Tom and a guy called Simon started weeping as we stumbled towards this bus. We said goodbye to Matt and Daniel (the two Canadians) and Simon (another Simon, the Irish one) and boarded the bus of nightmares. We were packaged into this god awful bus, and didn't even have enough room for all the bags in the back so they were taken inside and placed in laps and isle. By god's good grace tom and I were placed next to the door and so had lots of leg room, but people further back had the leg room length of a dried out teabag. Tom was next to the isle so went on a very brief journey whenever we cornered too sharply. I did ok and was firmly wedged into the corner but was cocooned well enough to grab some winks of sleep. The actual bus ride Delat was along roads as bumpy as Barrett lane, hairpins sharper than Grandma Win and sheer drops steeper than buying house prices in London. And finally there was the rain, which for about and hour, was basically all the Buddahs in Nam flushing their toilets up in heaven. However, it was rather incredible. The scenery was immense, with views stretching for miles across cloud shrouded mountains and vast forests in the valleys. As the downpour subsided we were driving past a huge lake, and the most incredible rainbow appeared stretching across the banks of this immense body of water. As we came down out of the mountains and any remaining jet lag set in we tried to again to get some more kip. Slept fitfully, rudely being jolted back to the world of the living by the bomb craters littering the roads. We arrived in Delat around 6 and headed to our hostel. It was a struggle to find, but eventually Me, TC and Simon find our way to this hidden gem of a hostel called the Cozy Nook (previously recommended by another backpacker). We chatted with some Danish blokes also staying there and walked around the town a bit, taking a particular interest in the night market that was set up. We returned back to HQ relatively early to get up early the next morning for canyoning the next day.
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