Tom and Becky Down Under!
Picked up our camper today, it's a beaut!! you'll find out why soon enough!! We headed to the cox's place to spend one last night before we headed south to Jervis Bay in the morning.
On wednesday (30/11) we hit the highway coming off at Bowral to head down the Kangeroo Valley enroute to our destination. The road there was very picturesque, green rolling hills, cute little villages etc... We stopped off at Fitzroy Falls for a look at some of the amazing, you guessed it, waterfalls!! they were pretty impressive. We then carried on south via the Cambewarra Range Nature Reserve, but the lookout was too cloudy.... Having decided not to stay at the roadside rest area, we ended up staying at the Leisure Haven Caravan Park in Huskisson just north of Jervis Bay. Our pitch was parked up right next to the river and there was no one else near by.
On thursday (01/12) we went via Jervis Bay National Park, stopping off briefly at Chinamans beach and Hyams beach (sand so white we had to wear our sunnies in order to keep our eyes open!!) before heading to the Booderee National Park and booking in for two nights at Green patch campsite. We went on a rather ambitious 15km walk through the bush which almost killed me and didn't make tom too happy either. First stop on the walk was Steamers beach, there was a steep decent about half a km with a few fallen trees in our path to get was the most beautiful beach we'd ever seen and there wasn't a single footprint on the sand.... we had the beach to ourselves and took full advantage....we went swimming, partially clothed, or in tom's case, nakey, before carrying on with the rest of the walk. Tom saw his first kangeroo and Echidna (cross between a hedgehog and porcupine for those unknowledgable folk) Relieved to see elvis at the end of the walk, we headed back to the campsite before heading off again in search of the sunset at the Cape St.George Lighthouse, but being amateur sunset seekers, we ended up on the opposite side to where we needed to be!! But we're sure it was a very nice sunset wherever it was!! We made our way back to the campsite again for what was going to be a really stormy night!! A Kangeroo got in Tom's path to the toilets during the night, so he had to piss behind a tree cos he got scared!!
On friday (02/12) we headed to the Booderee Botanic gardens and despite having easily navigated our way through the 15km of bush the day before, we got lost on the 1.5km signposted walk!!
Still in the park, we had a sneaky peak at Cave Beach, which again was beautiful, but not as remote and secret as Steamers beach and then returned to camp to pack up ready for departure the following day.
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