We travelled from hobart towards the Tasman Peninsula on Tuesday. We planned to park the van up somewhere and just drive around to the Devil conservation park, the Shipsterns Bluff walk and Port Arthur.
For once, we managed to depart at a reasonable hour and made it to the tassie devil conservation park with a couple of hours to spend. This was the first time we were to see Tasmanian Devils up close. They look like a small black bear, have poor eyesight and jaws that could crush a small car. Apparently, they are mainly scavengers who exist off road kill and other easy meals, which only convinced me that the animal who took our chicken carcass off the fire at Lake Barrington, and the fleeting black shadow that we narrowly avoided running over on Bruny Island had been wild Tassie Devils,
The park had an innovative way of getting you up close to a devil, whilst keeping all your bones intact. They had built tunnels into the enclosures which allowed you to stand up with your head in a plastic dome at eye level with the animals. Cool!
Its sad though to think that Reserves like this may be the only way to see
Devils after a few years, due to the viral cancer they have been suffering from.
We stayed that night at a tiny town called Dunnalley on the edge of the harbour. Tom and the boys had a night fish off the wharf and actually caught a squid! Fish number 2!
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