Caio! I believe I have been spelling "Caio" wrong this entire time! How embarassing! ANyway, drove to Verona today, our last day. We went another couple, 2 1/2 hours away. It was a bit confusing, we had some trouble finding parking and getting around the city. We saw an old Roman Theater, an ancient Forum and an old wall surrounding the entire city from ancient times. It was a trick getting around so we finally ended up, at one point, hiring a taxi to take us to the Roman Theater. When we got back to Aviano, we drove up into the mountains and went to Barsius, a quiant village on a beautiful mountain lake, surrounded by the tall ALps. It was beautiful but cloudy. We had to drive through a 2 1/2 mile long tunnel under the mountain to get there. Rick thought it looked similar to Lake Tahoe, in minituature. Then we went to a typical Italian restaurant on the way back to eat dinner, about 9:00 pm. A very friendly place that seems to be a favorite of our group as we meet another group of guys from the base there. all in all, a nice finish to our stay here in Italy. Tomorrow, we fly out in the morning, back home. I probably could stay a few more days to see more places that we were told about. It was a wonderful experience. Addio!
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