Culinary trip - if you understand what you order
This city is definately not my favorite city. I am glad we don't stay longer and can leave tonight. It's an ugly city but I managed to have a nice walk yesterday on the city streets. I hopped on a ferry just in front of our hostel and headed to Shamian island. It's famous for the American couples who wait for their adopted children to legally become theirs. The US consulat is situated on the island. The most interesting I saw there were dozens of couples who had their wedding pictures to be taken. Both the women and men were wearing white costums. The dozens of statues on the island were also nice to check out.
I ended walking on small streeets and heading to north. The streets were full of small shops selling cheap clothes and all kinds of dryed things. The dryed things are used in medicine I noticed as I ended up entering a drug market where you could find everything from raptiles to mushrooms - very interesting place and the smell was funny. For the first time nobody was trying to sell me anything :-)
I was trying to find the Mouslim restaurant and I think I found it but only thing they could do was "no food, no food". Afterwards it took me ages to find another place where to eat. Every place where I entered they didn't speak English, neither they had English menu or pictures. Finally I gave up and entered McDonald's. Even there I couldn't take it - there were only two people before me and it took more than 10 min, and the most is that there were four persons wortking with the order. But my luck changed - pictures in a restaurant called Greenstuff Restaurant. I thought I ordered moussel soup but I got moussel omelet - very tasty!
I walked till Yuexiu park which was pretty, their main park. The main attraction is Five Goat statue - the legend tells that the goats brought something that finally grew in the non-fertile land and that's how the city was finallly born. Cause of the holidays also the park was totally packed - I suppose it is more calm on normal days. One especial thing in the park was a "Blueberry hill" - make out hill. The steps leading there were not so nice as all the other steps in the park. You could see twin benhes here and there surrounded by bushes. For the first time I also saw horny 20 y old Chinese couple making out in the bushes.
In the evening we had a river cruise on the Pearl River. It took 90 minutes and in the beginning of your journeu we were given water and bread - so a dinner cruise ;-) . It was nice to see the building and parks illuminated. But we highly recommend you to take ear plugs again! The Chinese had quite a hulabaloo going on and on the speakers they gave all the time some info about the buildings. So nice, but not very relaxing in the end.
Today I will try out my luck again. Wanna find the restaurant the parents of my friend recommeded. Let's see...
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