Guangzhou, where they eat dog
I re-united with Suvi and Tiina yesterday morning, at seven o'clock. My night spent in the bus was horrible. There was nothing to compalin about the bus - it was 100 % better experience than the night bus I took from Zhengzhou to Xi'an. But the muscles on my neck were (and still are) so tense that they caused me a terrible head ache, so that's why I couldn't sleep well.
Two nights ago when I still was in Yangshuo I ended up visiting English College with Tanya. It's a place where Chinese come for months to learn better English. Western volunteers come to teach there, they trade the lessons for food and accomodation. I took part in English Corner which is bit like Speaker's Corner. People form small groups and mostly the foreigner talks and the Chinese make questions. The Corner was too much for me. I ended up having a conversation with a man same aged as me. We ended up talking about my mother tongue, Finnish. And he just couldn't understand why we don't change our national language to English if everybody in any case can speak English. I tried to explain nicely that English is not our language. After ten minutes of talking about the same topic I started getting annoyed. Luckily my night bus was leaving and I could leave also. I am happy that so many foreigners go and teach English to Chinese, but I couldn't be one of them.
The city of Guangzhou is nothing very spectacular. As Colleen (the woman from the hike) said: "The only good thing there is the food." She has lived here for ten years. I am putting my effort on finding one Mouslim restaurant tonight. I also wanna try out one restaurant which parents of my friend recommended. I am willing to try crocodile or some weird dish. Let's see which kind of diarrea I end up getting here ;-)
Tomorrow we catch another night bus to go to Haikou, on the island of Hainan -the local Hawaii. I am looking forward to lye on the beach....mmmm sun beach sea!
taal ei mitaa erikoista oo tapahtunu, eilen dallailtii tuol huudeilla ja kaytii sellases kauppahallin tapases missoli elavia kanoja ym ja sit ne niista tekee safkaa. niita voi varmaan ostaa ihan elavinakin ja nylkee sit oman himan rauhassa. oli aika jannittavaa, saatiin varmaan sars nyt, heh. mulla ihan levottomasti kutisevia paukamia, niita tulee koko ajan vaan lisaa vaikka en oo nahny hyttysia olleskaa. taytyy vaan koittaa olla raapimatta... ja jarvimatoja jalassa, kutisee ihan levottomasti, mitaan ei nay mut tossa jalkapohjan sivussa ihon alla on sellanen patti. hahhaa taytyy odotella alkaako se kasvamaan vai mita tapahtuu. jonku pesan se sinne varmaan pystyttaa ;) eilen jouduin myos nostaa rahaa koska kateisvarat oli aika lopussa (vajaa 900 E oli lahtiessa). jai sinne tilille onneks viela jos tulee taas puutostiloja. eikaitasmuuta, koht lahetaa taas dallailee. kirjat alkaa myos loppuu, ei oo viel loydetty kirjakauppaa joka myis enkun kielisia tai minkaan muun kielisia ku kinkkikirjoja...
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