ok so here we are in prob the most scenic part of nz myself (+BLOBBIE BAGGINS), george(frodo) and jo (the elf princess) are leaving teen(the elf queen) at the lakeside to cross the kepler track. this will take us 4 days (60k) over mountain 2600m stopping at night in huts . we have to take our food and sleeping bags but there are matresses and cooking rings. we have just got provisions and having a quiet day before venturing off early tomorrow. we are all very excited about the adventure ahead hope the rain keeps off it is glorious sunshine at the mo.tina is planning some less strenuous activities mmmmm. on our return we are then going to milford sounds.anyone interested look both places up on google or wait for photos on return.
its almost been a month now cant believe how much we have done but also how fast its gone. me and tina will leave g&j after milford they have prob had enough of us by now but it has been great travelling with them both always cheerful.
so here's hoping spurs can do the business on sun unfortunatley i will be climbing up a mountain at that time prob what spurs will have to do .
love to all
good luck to samantha i know it is any day now .
thats me done this computer is getting on my nerves now
blobbie xx
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