ha ha so jealous of the troll adventures!
Jem and I have nearly completed on our first home in Forest Hill. 2 double bedrooms ground floor with 40ft Garden, Can everyone keep their fingers crossed that it all goes through (it's a repossesed property we're buying!). We can't wait for it go through so then we can start planning our Thai trip.
Miss you loads, where you off to next?xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey guy's, sorry it's taken me so long but useless as I am I forgot the web address and had to email Sam to get it!!
Am loving the Troll diary! and as to the rest all I can say is that I am insanely jealous, and why oh why aren't I doing it!
I do hope you're planning to post me a Russian fridge magnet for my collection. Do they have such things?
Hello Tim and Debbie,
Don't tire Trol out - he is begining to look tired.
I have been looking at your photos while in
Great Bardfield - look forward to lots more soon,
when I am here next.
Take care,
Love Nana
Hi you guys ... what adventures you are all having!! Not much going on in Luton, though had a wicked eletric thunderstorm yesterday and the lightning hit the main road and it has got a big crack down it!! Arghhhhh! IT's the end of the world as we know it!! Great to hear that you have travelled all that way to immediately locate a replicar British pub! Doh!! Anyways, seee ya Lou xxx
Mike + Fiona
hi Debbie + Tim, hope you guys are having fun on your travels - sounds like you are!
Take care and I look forward to reading more about ure exploits.....
p.s. with Sam coming out im expecting a few hot property tips about the chinese property market when she gets back.
Debs Dad
Hi, Deb and Tim, I now have a date to go to Miri in Sarawak. 24th July, Mum and the boys will come over one week later. So we will all be in Sarawak until beginning of September.
Hope you had some good company on your train journey.
Lots of love
Mum & Dad
p.s. Remind me again, who is Tim?
A message for MAX...Hi...Dont know you ( I dont think!!) But I bought Debs the trol as a leaving present...Means a lot to us both but a long story!!! I bought it in Clinton Cards..They have a trol range...Legend goes is you have to pick the one that that talks to you...( yes I am mad!!)They bring good luck and in this case lots of laughs too......I think everyone should have a trol...
Michelle xxxxxxx
debbie where did you get your troll or where did the person who got you your troll get it??????????
Hi all,
First off, what are you guys doing on Thursday, are you going partying?? Without me?? Thats not right!! We went out partying last night Russian style to a club callled Propaganda which is just near the Kremlin. Spent the night knocking back vodka shots with beer chasers with three Aussie girls called Trish, Gemma and Amanda who we shared a cabin on the train with - top night mocking the Russkies and drinking like demons. One too many shot meant we needed to stop the cab on the way home to let Tim be sick. Nice. We are now cluttering up the lobby eating chips before getting the metro to an Irish pub called Silvers to watch the footie. Am little bit scared about drinking again, but am sure I will be OK! Plus am convinced I have mild food poisoning, although could be alcohol poisoning. Even fat coke is failing to fix me.
Later tonight we get the train to Siberia which means three days non stop on the train, am praying we get some cool cabin mates....Anyway best go, we will put some more pics up when we reach Siberia. There is a classic troll pic coming that cost me 100 roubles!!!
Missing you all, love deb xx
Hi mate, really wish i was sitting with you in the pics where your drinking...suprise suprise. You have made such a great decision leaving all this celeb rubbish behind. Are you getting any strange looks compiling Troll's Diary (Very Entertaining) any chance in a set up pap shoot when he's famous in a couple of months?
Anyway take care both of you and keep enjoying
Sorry Tim and Deb will talk to you both in a min!!
Sam congratulations....Two Aunties made on the same day!!! And that is a big baby for sure...lots of love Hun and hopefully will see you next Thursday !!! xx
Right now I have used the message board for general chat with your friends (LOL) Debbie love the dress...You look lovely and me and james def think that you have been practising the Michelle photo pose..!!!!Stuart mentioned your name and signalled to your desk...ahhhhhh..Been mad a work ...all is well though we miss you.Stuart had his first hissy fit which was funny and he is still giving us the old flannel.I have a nickname for him now and that is sweetie pie...He has adopted James and me as his parents as he said that me and james should go out!!!!!So now we are Mummy Michelle and Daddy James.
My car is still in the garage ( thanks to Sweetie pie) and am driving your Corsa....Is there something dead in there or is it the air con?
Anyway love you lots and be in Touch Michelle xxxx