I am so Happy for you Brother!And Sister!And Jealous at the same time,Have a fantastic trip,and be safe as,scwheet schweet swcheet....
Parts of me want to leave too and meet up with you guys,maybe i dont get my visa and must leave New york!!!!wishful thinking?
Love you.xox Laurent
Congrats Michelle and Sam, how weird that you both became aunties almost on the same day!! Michelle, I know you are fine and I dont need to worry about you! BTW we put up your cousin troll pic on the site! Good luck with the move Maria and John, dont stress too much!! Hello Young family, glad all fine and dandy on the Surrey front, keep me updated with your baby news! Speak soon, Deb x
Hi. Congratulations Michelle! I also became an auntie yesterday.. little niece called Camilla,9lb (that sounds pretty large to me?) More photo's please comrades - it's your social duty.
Yo! Love the photos. Mx
I am an Aunty again.My sil and bro had a baby boy((:-( ( you know why ) today at 5.30 pm.All is well and his name is Joshua Thomas.I am fine..I promise !!!
Love Michelle xxxxx
Re Nan and the Great Wall - I think she just intends to land in China and will assume that your fame has spread across the Siberian plain, so she'll just ask for "Comrade Debbieinsky Pincushion, the Great Touter of Business from Russia and Sacred Keeper of the Troll" and everyone will immediately know who she means.
My brother and his grilfriend are having the baby early.....Her waters broke a few hours ago..I might be an auntie again soon.Will keep you posted.!!!!
Cathy, Shaun & Thomas
Hi Guys, First chance we've had to have a look at the site - very impressed - photos look great and sounds like you are having a wicked time! Keep the updates coming so as I sit getting fatter by the day I can get jealous of your sunny climes and adventures! Keep well, xx
I've been to the embassy to get my visa today. Everything is in hand comrades - I'm on my way.
Hi,This is very weird, like having loads of conversations at once...today we are going on a boat trip and then off to the ballet to see Swan Lake..having real trouble sleeping because it is so hot and because of the light. Yesterday felt like such a fat westerner after trying on clothes in a shop and asking for a bigger size only to told firmly 'Nyet' before slinking out of the store in shame. No more cheesy blinys for me, only traditional beetroot soup from now on!
PS I loved your cousin troll pics Michelle, we are going to add them to the site.
PPS Sam - I hope you have got your visa for China. Over and out.
PPPS Ross you are a cheeky arse.
PPPPS Have you found a flat yet Melissa and where is Layla??
PPPPPS Are you just going to trek the Great Wall searching for us Nan?
My daily visit to your site...Trol rocks....Not out of place at all in Russia..Do you think I should commission the first 'Trol' russian doll??
You both look like you are having a fab time.I must admit in one of the photos Deb, you have that blank..I am not sure whether I am drunk look!!
M & D (P & C)
We thought you might like to read this extract from yesterday's Telegraph: "Rupert Murdoch's wife
Wendi is in the process of redecorating the media mogul's LA home with, ahem, diamond dust artwork.
After dining at......Wendi spotted three paintings by Gavin Turk, Damian Hurst and Peter Blake.........
they are portraits of famous people, forming a series called 'diamond dust images' .....Wendi just fell
instantly in love with the pictures and wants to hang them in their sitting room in LA......"
We have put yours up on E-Bay for £50, is that okay?