22nd July 2014
We had to wake up to the alarm this morning which was not the guy was dropping George off at the airport and us at the bus stop. We said our goodbyes to Georgie and it felt weird to be a twosome again, but we managed to get two tickets to Novi Pazar as I really wasn't up for the 10 hour plus journey to Belgrade. The next part of the journey begins....onto Serbia....the bus journey was uneventful and we arrived at Novi Pazar by 2:30pm. The bus didn't drop us off at the main bus station so we were unsure where to go and according to the lonely planet everything was going to cost us more then we wanted, so we headed straight across the road to Hotel Palma to enquire....€30 for a double room which was huge with a balcony, bathroom and free wifi....sold! The guy took our passports for the night which Mark wasn't happy about. We had a quick Facebook check-in and then it was time to explore.
No sooner had we left the heavens opened and it was pouring down so we made a quick dash to a restaurant at the start of the old town. They only served one type of meal so we just nodded to anything the waiter said and hped for the best. It was the local crusine sausage type bits of meat with onions and bread washed down with a yogurt....good and much needed as it was our first meal of the day, we have to stop doing that!
We wandered around town and quickly realised there wasn't as much too see as we were expecting, but it was still nice to have a break in bus journey and see another town....although I could not shake the feeling of unease all day....what was wrong with me. Mark was panicking about the hotel still having our passports, what are we like.
We chilled in the room for the rest of the day and ventured out so Mark could get a dirty still feeling on edge the whole time! And then it was off to bed....Serbia tour day one. Check.
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