There And Back Again and the places in-between.
After all that trekking we haven't been up to much in Santa Marta. We have looked around town and up and down the water front. Relaxed in the hostel pool and done all our washing, well we paid for someone else to do it, assuming they had to wear a gas mask as the smell was unbearable! We have had a bit of a splurge the last two days indulging in our favourite hobbie of stuffing our faces with mexican food and enjoying the happy hour cocktails. We have organised a bus to Cartagena so will check out and head there! For some reason I swear our bags are getting heavier!
- comments
jackie tracey Hiya Guys Just read your blogg and hope that all your clothes hace been returned all nice and clean!! Honestly your living like kings paying for sombody to do it for you. Felt very nervous looking at your video's and looked like a seedy film in the car and stevie looked a bit scared. Your pics are cool and your blogg very funny. Shame mark didn't join the yanks with the pool party. So lovely to chat the other niht it made my week. Take care Love jackie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx