Today was the day to bike Yungas Road also known as Death Road, due to its extremely dangerous notoriety and high annual death count.
We got picked up around 7.45 in a mini bus, our group was small, only 8. There were 3 Canadians, 2 girls and a guy, a german couple and an American.
After about an hours drive we arrived 30k from the road and unloaded the bikes. We collected our bikes and equipment and had 30k of practice all down hill to the Yungas Road. It was a spectacular ride. Minimum effort as the route was all down hill. The road snaked down the mountain hill side, giving us great views of the deep canons.
We stopped a few K from the Road as it was up hill and it is illegal to bike it. We had a quick ham and cheese roll before heading off. There were about 10 different tour groups at this point all wanting a peice of death road.
We started off in the mist of low clouds, the road was covered with stones and rocks which made the ride difficult. The route was set in checkpoints. The group managed the first checkpoint without any incidences. Then 5mins later Stevie would casually ride in. (this happend at every checkpoint) onto the next phase we were warned of a turning and take care. When I was riding along the Canadian girl in front of me, wheel hit a rock and she went over the handle bars. It looked painful. I dont know if it was the shock but she was up in a heart beat. After that she rode in the support van for a while. Along the road we saw lots of memorials where people have died by falling off the exposed edges. In 2001 an Israeli girl died here. The road was difficult and tiring on the arms. Every now and then I would take my concentration off the road and marvel at the surrounding or gasp at the steep drops by the side of me. We stopped off for some more snacks before entering the most dangerous part of the road. Nicknamed Devils Tail due to its accident rate and by the way it snakes around the mountain. Each time I was getting worried about Stevie. One part of the road went through a waterfall. There were several streams too.
I had one near miss, but managed to stable myself. I passed two cars on the way down who go dangerously close to me while constantly hooting.
Covered in dust by early afternoon we had completed the road. We had biked the worlds most dangerous road and so the group had a beer to celebrate.
After the beer we went to a nearby river and had a swim. It was cold but refreshing, a hot shower later went to a lodge for lunch and few games of pool before getting back on the minibus to drive back up the most dangerous road.
It was scarier driving up the road as the van was a lot wider, someone else was in control and we got dangerously close to the edge.
The drive back was very interesting, our guide, the america and the Canadians all brought 2 litre bottles of rum and coke each for the drive back. This was on top of the beer they already had. The more drunk they got the most vulgar things they would say, like what they wanted to do with each other. They would pretend to lick the nude models arse on the rum bottle. This was the girls! Our guide was falling all over the van floor, while the Canadian guy was trying to dance but fell onto the driver. It was funny, bizarre and out right insane. The German couple were not impressed. I was happy to get off. We got a free CD and T-Shirt from the day.
Back at the hostel we were exhausted so had a drink and something to eat before heading to bed. I woke up when Ray, Begonia and the too Americans returned. Feeling better I decided to go down to the bar and have a drink. I met some more backpackers. The bar closed and I was roped into going out with the two Americans, Begonia and a Mexican to a hard rock club, we brought a bottle to rum to share as it was easier and cheaper and hit the dance floor. Kyle the American and Begonia hit it off and left. The night went really quick. By the end we all hated the Israelis and the Mexican was offering to fight them. It was funny. Around 5am Trent (the other american) and I rolled in.
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