So lately I've been crunching out the papers like nobody's business. But while I'm not slaving away at the computer, I've been trying to take every opportunity to see Melbourne while I still can. I only have 2 weeks left until school is out and after that I'm heading out for another adventure before I fly home.
So this past weekend we were in the city a bunch. Friday we just went in in the evening because we had tickets to Cirque du Soleil. What an amazing show! Everyone should see that atleast once in their life!! I could not believe my eyes most of the time and my mouth was open the entire show. There were people going crazy on trampolines, jumping through hoops, jumping rope, balancing on balls, flips, cartwheels, flying through the air. It was nuts. I'm still baffled.
Then Saturday we went in for the day. We stopped by the Art Museum of Victoria which was sooo amazing!! I'm not sure why I hadn't been in yet. I didn't think it would be anything spectacular. But it was... It was free but we got there sort of late so we were only in there for about an hour. There were showcases of Rembrandt, 15th, 16th, 17th, and 18th century artists. It was incredible, to say the least. There was a small room we were only in for about 5 minutes before it closed where I spotted a Rothko from across the room......I almost screamed. Other artists we saw include Magritte, Francois Boucher, George Barret, Willem Kalf, Peter Paul Rubens, and Picasso. It was an unexpectedly great building! I plan to go back next weekend.
Afterwards, we sort of wandered around for a while. When it started getting dark we trekked over to the Melbourne Cricket Grounds to see another footy game. This time it was a night game -- so much better! We had seats in the upper upper deck, but it was still awesome. It's insane how crazy Aussie footy fans get. There was also a streaker of sorts during the 3rd quarter, which was fun. We'd seen several warnings on the big screen about a $6000 fine for anyone who steps foot on the field. And as soon as the streaker was tackled by security, the warning flashed again. It was perfect!
It was a great weekend. But for now, back to the books. I have 3 more papers to write as well as some photo projects due within the next 2 weeks. it's going to be rough...
But next weekend I'm going to see Wicked, the broadway musical, which I'm very excited about!
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