This morning when I was at the airport waiting for my flight I wrote a real nice long blog entry but somehow it got lost in cyber space. So I am now going to do a little recap.
I am going to miss Boston! This city has really grown on my and I have come to absolutely love where I live. For the past few days I have been thinking how hard it is going to be for me to leave this place that I am still discovering; a friend reminded me that I will come back a different person and see things in a new light. This is so true!
Simply amazing to me how far I have come in one year. I set goals and worked on them, everything else just seemed to fall into place as my life need it to. I thank my parents because they have really taught me that I can do anything I want as long as I am willing to be patient, work for it, and sacrifice to get it. Parents are amazing people!!
Ok I think I captured a little of what I wrote this morning.
- comments
Girl At The Rock Show I am so glad that you are doing this...and I hope that you can stay with it (although, I know you will be very busy.) I am looking forward to sharing a piece of this experience with you. God I am going to miss you, while you are gone! Keep writing!
Tiana I hope that I will be able to stick with it. I think that I will be able to. I am going to miss you too! We are just going to have to make a point to see eachother more often :)