After one day at the very boring very quiet yha luckily my friends Kathy and Nick (who I have previously stayed with) came to rescue me!! Last time i stayed they had Harry who was one and Kathy was pregnant. Now they have Harry who is five, finn who is four and Jasper who is two!!! The first day was spent in the hospital with Jaspers ear infection and Finnseye infection which took all day and then we went to pick up Harry from school! It was great fun getting to know the kids and they were alwaysasking me to play outside with them. It was great fun to drop them off and pick them up from school and kindie and just spend time with them. I did a little shopping on the second day, i bought some sunglasses and had a walk around the shops, but its quite a small area where they live and not close enough to go to surfers. As kathy and nick were on a diet i was also eating very healthily with salads and chicken for most evening meals. The boys are at that stage where mealtimes are more fun that actual eating so finn never really ate his dinner and Jasper needed a little help!! They also have a guinea pig called titan in the garden. I had the best five days and it was a really good way of breaking myself into travelling alone and it helped me to not think about missing Thomas too much...! After the five days were up Kathy dropped me at the bus station in surfers and i jumped on a bus up to bundaberg which is where i am now. Theres really very very little to do here and barely any shops. I seem to have gone from a hostel where all they do is surf all day (yha) to one where all they do is fruit pick all day!! so im not having the best luck really. but ive met a few german girls who im in town with now and they are really friendly. I'm getting the bus tommorow morning to go and stay on the farm so that is something to look fwd to. I have also changed my flights around a bit and have decided to cut out new zealand entirely (really really really sorry trees!!!) The main reason is that i don't want to go and see it all without Thomas so im going to save that part of the world for a time when we both would like to go and also when we have more money to see everyhting properly (maybe next year?...) I hope evryone is well at home? I am missing everyone even more now that its just me and although im trying not to wish the time away i am certainly looking fwd to seeing everyone again. All my love to everyone Sarah x x x
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