Hi everyone,
I am currently staying on a farm in wombah. Its really beautiful out here and the lady I'm staying with, Chris is really welcoming. There are two dogs and two horses and nine chickens so we have plenty of company. Yesterday, Chris picked me up from gin gin and we drove to her sisters where we sat and chatted for a while then we drove to her house. Its set on 30 acres and divided into paddocks are fields. It really is amazing out here and very quiet. There are no shops for about half an hour away but there is plenty to do on the farm. Yesterday i helped weed all around my cabin, my own cabin!! Its at the other end of the paddock so very secluded and a short walk over to chris's house. Chris's house is (i think) a container thats been extended and wood clad inside, its really homely and last night she cooked me a lovely beef caserole that we had for lunch and again for dinner. Its so nice to have a proper cooked meal!! Chris said no one ever cooks for her when they come to stay so im going to cook for a few nights which she is looking fwd to. My jobs are pretty easy, feed the chickens, feed the horses and groom them (my fav bit) One of the horses (ewok) is overweight so he doesnt get much food. but gypsie is underweight and has the runs so we are trying to find out online how to make her better as shes had it two months and is a little under weight. plus i can ride her!!!! but as no one has ridden her in a long time shes quite thin and has no muscles so chris says i can ride her every other day to get her stregth back up!!! i really like it here and its very peaceful. there is no phone signal and only 1 tv channel but chris has over 1000 dvds, so when i go off to bed around 8 30 ish i can take some to watch. chris isnt an early riser and im not allowed to come over to the main house until 8 30, but i woke up at 5 30 this morning so i just sit on my balcony reading and chilling out. there are 3 toilets, one of which is my own one. 2 of them are 'drop' toilets where there is a deep hole into the ground and one is a normal one which they have had for 4 months and u turn a pump on to use it. i prefer the drop toilets anyway. aparently they are much better for you when you do number twos because of the gravity!! hehe. anyway i ahve lots of cut grass to rake up and wheelbarrow across to the trees so im off to do that. its hard work but i really enjoy it, plus its in the field where gypsie is so i dont mind! this afternoon im going to wash the dogs for chris as she doent like touching them much. then ill prob wash gypsie down as chris doent like doing that either and because shes got the runs she needs a good old scrub to make her look pretty again. i cant wait to ride her later on, it should be great fun. we are going to bundaberg on wednesday to the markets so i will probably get reception then and will give you a ring tom! i hope everyone is well? anything exciting happening back home? x x x
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