Hi everyone, just thought id write a quick message as i found a library with free internet access!! Toms home now but before he left we travelled up to brisbane for a night then from there we got the bus to hervey bay which is a little town where you can do 3 day tours to fraser island. So we booked on to the tour and our company was the only company that hire you bright pink trucks to drive round the island in, the girls loved them and i think the boys did too!! Our first day we took the feery over quite early (about 7am) and from there Thomas did all the driving along the beach. I think people were a little nervous of all the horror stories of getting booged in the sand and rolling the truck etc. It actually wasnt that bad to drive as we all had a go in the end, although tom did most of it! We did become the mummy and daddy of the group (and were referred to like that!!) as tom did the driving and i did all the cooking for nine people. But i really enjoyed it and kind of took on the role of leader (or control freak as tom puts it!!!) We had all put in money for food and i had bought it all from coles and our dinners included a barbeque one night and pasta the other night. each morning i did a fry up and lunch was rolls and crisps so we were all well fed!! our first night we set up the tents and just as we finished it started to pee it down with rain and not just a little bit, it hammered it down!! we all stayed on the truck as we had conviniently forgotton to build a shelter. but once it stopped we attatched a tarpolin (is that what u call them?) to the end of the truck and a tree and created a little area to cook in. The second day we did lots of driving and i had a go aswell. Unfortunately we had to trek acros extremely soft sand to the bins and i got stuck. But i was determined to get myself out and with a little digging round the wheels i mamaged to drive out and back onto the harder wet sand. We visited a lovely lake and spent the evenings drinking and chilling out and chatting to the three irish girls in our group who were great fun!!. On returning to hervey bay we had one nights stay then an early bus down to surfers paradise, where we splashed out on a very expensive apartment for toms last few nights. Unfortunately the news showed horrible stories of people getting in trouble in the rips and being rescued all over the easter weekend and decided it would be best if we stayed away from the beach and just used to hotel pool. we had a yummy thai for toms last night and just chilled out and had a couple of drinks. the next day Thomas and i headed to the airport and said our goodbyes :-( it was a very sad day and both of us found it very difficult but i was determined to carry on and Tom had work back home. After saying goodbye i jumped on a bus to coolangatta to the yha hostel. This was possibly the worst hostel i have ever stayed at, in the middle of no where on the side of a highway and with absolutely no shops, just a subway!!! It was definately my first taste of travelling alone and somewhat worrying.
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