how are you? launch out a sign of life please! how rude ... ;o)
great to here form ya i feel sad for ya that its just about over now but didn`t you have the best time every i hope you did anyway if your every in ireland you may look us up and if i`m over i`ll be looking out for ya niamh says hi and hopes to see you sometime soon
Nigel Doyle
ANU ISNCE KATE WILL BE HOME ILL COME AND MEET YOU.X(and we can finish off hat slagging match we had!)give us a bell love!!
Nigel Doyle
the following message is soooooooo funny....
Nigel Doyle
well hi kate,sorry to hear your on the way home but all good things come to an end,let me take this oppertunity to say hi to all of the NZ bus that we travelled with and even if they did thing i was a irish bum i have to say that i enjoyed myself and i suppose thats the important thing,,,oh yes im still in oz,in cairns at the mo but might be in sydney fr xmass so ill see u all there at the bassment jax concert at bondi so if u do see me come up and say hello,im a freindly guy..i wont bite!! not unless u dont try and take the drink out of hand that is!! so for now slan!! i love us all (i no,, i no!)poor ado and vinnie are home too sadley missed i might add,ok chow for now,back to work..x x x x
hiya kate
Hope ur having a good time , although I can only guess that you are sionce you haven't reached upon the shores of England yet!
Guess what?I'm coiming oz, would be awesome to meet with you in Melbourne if your back then. Email me and we'll arrange something. i arrive down under on the 7th dec!
love anu
Lisa @ Bourke St
Hey Kate,
We are wondering what you've been up to in the land of the crocs!! Where's the new photos, stories????? Hope you won on the Melbourne Cup yesterday!!
Email us all soon
Hi Kate, Glad you are still having a whale of a time.
New granddaughter arrived 4/11/06 - Keira Maxine. 6lbs 12 oz.
Glad you enjoyed Melbourne - can't believe you are still out there but good for you !!!!!
Keep in touch
Love Elaine
ps Shaun sends a big hug.
Hi Kate
Just thought we'd say a quick hello it's Grandad and Grandma! Just came to shelly's and she has shown us your website. Hope you are ok and enjoying yourself. See you soon.
Hey Rupa,
Nice of you to leave our new temp food and a water bottle. So can you explain why she is now off with food poisoning!?
Got anything in your first aid kit for that?
Watch out for the snakes and crocs, and come back with lots of stories......
Hi Kate
Great to hear from you.
At least it sounds like you made the plane on time, talk about speed packing !
And you thought Melbourne was hot ! !
I told you that weather here was nothing compared to Darwin.
It was 30 yesterday, but dropped down to 18 today - more to your liking.
Take care and see you in 4 weeks.
Linda Gillon
Hi Kate,
Well what an adventure !! I hope you are keeping well and still enjoying your life out there. I must admit I am very envious of your travelling. Good luck to you girl you did it. I keep popping in to have a look at where you are and what you are up to. What's next Space Travel ? I would'nt be suprised ! Well we are back to grey rainy days where as you have another summer to look forward to. Enjoy yourself (as if I need to tell you that) & take care