Hi Kate, glad you're having a fab time. Keep the photos coming when you can - some of you would be good!
Take care - Love Elaine
hiya kate, all sounds great fun but we need more photos now! take care and have a great timexxx
Hey babe! Glad to see that smile is back on your face mate! Hope you are having a fab time - by the way I agree with your Dad everyone knowing your business is scary and we can see eachothers emails - yikes! How does a grasshopper compare to Alan's Fried Pigeon? Don't do too much crazy stuff or i'll worry! Where are you going next?
Your good mate Ali. ps I'm 25 now aaaaargh!
Hiya Kate just had a good look at your site - all sounds very exciting!! Just make sure you carry on being extremely careful, we want you back in one piece you know! we'll be trying your phone again but if we can't get through just know that we are thinking about you all the time and love you very much.
Take care, love mummy
Tried doing this message thingy before and pressed the wrong bloody button! So...wouldn't you rather be back in Salford 6? I know I would......
Keep in touch love and be careful whilst having a good time...will phone you ....Love DAD
Diane Broughton
keep entertaining us with your exploits - can't wait to read the next instalment. Take care mate xx
Shell And Beth
Hi mate! Glad to know you got there ok. Me and Beth just looked through your photos and she can't believe you ate the grasshopper!! Hope you're having a fantastic time mate, keep in touch and yes we are very jealous!
I really am very jealous of you now .... i want to go paradise island hoping!!
Hiya, thought I would post a message to you, well it has been great travelling with you, especially in Bangkok when I was really over whelmed. Your friends and family are right to be proud of you, you have really inspired me the last couple of days, I thought I would never travel alone, but meeting you has given me the confidence.
On another note: to Kate's family and friends, I would just like to say that you do not need to worry about her, she is responsible and I think handling the whole travelling experience really well.
Well Kate I know that we will keep in touch and I will be checking your journal to see what adventures you get up to.
Thanks for being a great friend these last few days, and I wish you all the best.
From your South African friend
Hey kate! aww thanks for leeaving me the ipod! so sweat of you :P hahahahah!!! hope you have had a great time in the jungle! make sure you keep in touch! luv chriiss!! xxx
Anu Gopinath
dear wandering rupa
dear god you currently being missed a lot by a certain somebody of wellington road.life in manchy leaves a little more to be desired!enjoy this holiday cos its going to be awesome. cool, stay out of trouble kiddo!