Greetings and G'Day Kate! Glad to hear that the remainder of your travels in NZ went smoothly. Anything Smooch-less is bound to be an improvement right?? Anyways, hope Melbourne is going great, let me know how the job search goes. Am going to outback on thurs for 6 weeks of high-paying work and then travelling my pants off (hopefully not literally) until the time arrives for me to return to my home and native land.
Let me know when you have NZ pics posted on your webpage so I can see some?? Remember me, old-school-manual-camera-Lauren...
Anyways, best of luck to you (and Simon-teehee)
Alan(Oz Bus)
hello there,
great to here from you hope you are enjoying new zeland we are in sydney staying here for a while but might go to melbourne some-time like in a month or 2,anyway enjoy the rest of you trip
Hellooooooooo!!!! :) Long time no see... I was just browsing thru your photo album and was quite disappointed with the fact that I could not find McBain!!! :) Anyways where are you staying at the mo? R u going back to Auckland before you leave NZ? Id love to take you out and catch up. By the way I did find my guy from Beachcomber when I returned the following Saturday, and all was smooth we were about to hook up but... I had drunk way too much and was comaing out all over the dance floor, so that fell through.. But all is good as Ive recently snagged myself a hot boy back home :) Let me know via email if ur gonna be in Auckland.. Cheers :)
Just in case you missed it via text and email, working visa in oz has been accepted! Love you
Just checking in, and making sure all is OK - send us a text or email when you get a chance. All OK at this end...Mams still got her arm in plaster (for another 2 weeks yet), but at least winter is now behind us here in France..Love you. DAD
ps. Hello Simon small pants!!
Hi Kate, glad your having such a wonderful time,just read your site you lucky devil,and there's me worried about you going on your own, good job you never listen to me,take care and keep us imformed. Mark
PS i've saved you a danish!!!
Hey Kate
Glad to read that you are experiencing all Oz has to offer!!! I was really excited to read that you have a tan, thinking back to those early days in Thailand, when you asked me every 5 minutes if you had a tan yet!!!!
Take care.
Hi bud hope this works, i have been off for weeks and have missed your journey. so i have caught up today and it looks fab. Put a picture of the tan up some where and make me jealous. Keep having a brill time loves andrea
Hi Kate
It all still sounds amazing!!! I am so jealous! Sorry to hear about your foot - but it's good that it hasnt stopped you doing what you want to do. Some of the stuff you have been up to sounds crazy.....but then again this is you ;) Especially the inflatable ball and 6 litres of freezing water!!! Madness, but I suppose if it's warm weather it makes all the difference.Anyway, take care mate, hope to hear more escapades from you soon!! Vicky xxx
Small Pants
Hi kate, you could at least be bothered to update your photo album, its two months out of date, anyways just saying hello, as your threatened me with extreme violence and some shoulder dancing if i didnt, so there you go all done. Hello Mr & Mrs Rupa.
Hi Kate
Glad you are having a ball. Look ater your foot - or get some sun kissed Aussie to look after it for you!!!!!!!
Keep us up to date on everything.
Love Elaine
hi kate! great to see all these pictures and read about all your great adventures! i didn't know about this site but now i will have a look at it more often. enjoy yourself! take care xxx Mariola Rupa