The thunderstorm lasted all night. The constant vibrating of the patio doors was resulting in chronic sleep depravation. Up at 615, finished packing and proceeded straight to reception. Taxi driver, a real comedian, was waiting. We were waved off by the sweet girl Tum who had lent Annelise her nail varnish…
After an uneventful drive to Phuket airport, we jumped on a short flight to Koh Samui where it was….sunny! Shortly after we were chauffeured to our final destination. Miskawaan Beachfront Villas. What a palace. Our personal villa manager gave us a tour of the estate and most importantly showed us the bell should we require something. Chilled out on a lounger whilst our chef rustled up lunch. Following lunch we caught up on some sleep on the day bed in the beach front pavilion, before swimming a few lengths in our pool. Meanwhile I had discovered a fancy music system in our private outside bar and before long funky beats were filling our garden and livening up the beach in front of our villa.
The karma was interrupted by the arrival of the man from the dive centre. Booked a day out to Koh Tao for the following day. Uh oh: 0720 pick up…..
I was dispatched on a mission to the nearest 7-eleven to pick up essential supplies (chocolate, peanuts, diet coke and Sangsom). Forgot the Singhas so Pooey went out for them (it looked as if she needed something to do).
Took in sundowners (Cubre Annelise: diet coke, Sangsom, ice and no lime), listening to waves on the shore, wind in the coconut trees and the faint beats from bars well down the beach. We reflected on the places we had been and all the good times we have had.
Chef made up a Massaman, Ribs in "Special Thai sauce" and Satay. Yum. After dinner we cracked open a couple of Singhas, sat on the daybed and chatted for hours looking out over the sea at the twinkling lights of Koh Phangan in the distance. What a night!
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