So - plans to get up early to see Wat Po didn't materialize….After some coffee, blog updating, flight booking and next step planning we finally left the Met at 1pm. Taxis refused to take us back to Khao San, so we made our way via sky train and Chao Phraya express to Pier 13 and followed the line of backpackers. Unfeasibly hot! So hot I was struggling to pronounce the 'h".
Ate at a bar where some cocky young lads were entertaining a couple of flirty young local ladies. Most amusing to listen in as they had had a few shandies… was quite bland, but the cold Singhas proved a reliable throat cooler.
At the fitting it became clear the dress was in its early stages and a number of alterations were proposed….back again at 11 tomorrow……dived into an internet café to sort accommodation out for tomorrow and to bask in an air-conditioned environment.
At 6 we wended our way through the back packer ghetto, pausing briefly at Merry V guesthouse where I spent and unpleasant couple of nights in a cockroach infested cell back in 1991. Caught the last express boat back downstream and headed for home.
Got dressed up for a change and headed to the Vertigo bar on the roof of the Banyan Tree hotel - at the 59th floor it looked like the tallest building in the city. It was cleverly designed with seemingly little to stop a strong gust of wind blowing everyone off the edge. The 360 view of the Bangkok skyline was incredible. We sipped a long island ice tea and chatted to a Parisian on the stool next to us. It was such a stellar venue that we considered eating there but on inspecting the menu discovered a main course was equivalent to a rice farmer's annual wage.
Took in a fantastic Italian meal at a restaurant beginning with Z on the road leading from the Met to Silom. On the way home we cashed in our free Martini vouchers at the Met bar attached to the hotel. The sister bar in London is a favoured haunt of showbiz celebs and is impossible to get in to. Sadly, the Bangkok branch hasn't quite cracked it…..
After a couple of days of Bangkok we are more than ready to hit the beach again.
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