As promised by the tour operator we were picked up on the Monday morning at 8am to go and see the Orangutans. Our guide for the day was a lovely man called Kenny and we were soon to find out on the journey that he could talk for Borneo!! As knowledgable as Kenny was, we were not used to being up at silly o'clock and tried our hardest to keep our eyes open when he was telling us ALL about the orangutans. We got to the orangutan rehabilitation centre which was on acres of beautiful land and where the animals were very well looked after. Marcus and I sat around for a bit as it was raining and we were both a bit crestfallen when Kenny said that it may be to rainy for our orange furry friends to come out and play. We walked up a little path and as I looked up in to the trees ahead I saw a rather large orange blob sat there...."LOOK AN ORUANGUTANG" I shouted. We all looked up and I could not help, but to hum the song "I wanna be like you" from the Jungle Book!! aaaawwwwww I thought how cute, but then we got bored as he just sat there under the cover of the after more waiting it was feeding time (for the orangutans I should point out!?) Then from the top of a tree a mother and her baby around her waist swung down to a much lower tree and grabbed the fruit that was given to her by a park warden. Us and all the other tourist's all oooohhh'd and ahhhhh'd at the sight and all got pretty good pictures (not as good as you probably could have done Lisa, I'm sure). So after more staring and cooing we decided that it got boring staring at a monkey hanging from a tree so went off to the Fairy cave.
After another long talk by Kenny about the Fairy cave we reached our destination. We looked up at the stair case and thought "b*****, that's a lot of stairs" after what seemed like an age and buckets of sweat later we entered the cave then climbed up some rickety stairs to what was one of the most amazing sights either of us had ever seen!!! (you know when people say "that was one of the most amazing things I have ever seen" but really it has lost it's meaning over time, well this REALLY WAS AN AMAZING SIGHT!! it felt like we were in middle earth, it was other-wordly to say the least) As we kept climbing up the series of stairs and reached a platform we could then take in the most awesome view of the entire cave (I think the pictures can speak for themselves now)
So back in the bus and off to the Wind caves (and before you think it has nothing to do with flatulance) We were greeted with a pitch black hole.......great I though here's one of my nightmares coming true like some horror movie.......couple go in to of them gets killed ensues.....girl gets away......or does she!!??? Kenny handed both Marcus and I a torch each as we stumbled our way in to the cave and heard the high pitch sound of bats.....lots of bats......millions of bats!!!! After a short way in Kenny decided that now was the right time (in the dark) to tell us about the venomous snakes that sometimes lurk in the cave!! "Great", I thought again... reminds me of another horror movie I once saw!!! Well no turning back.......we cautiously walked on and came to an opening (thank god) that led us through some jungle and onwards back to the safety of the bomb shelter that was our tour bus.
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