Hello Grace, Jess,Zoe and Lucy- hope you're all well and hsving an exciting time. Have you managed to book some more trips/activities etc?
Do they have Fox's Biskwits over there Grace- Dad keeps eating them here!! Will make sure that there are some for you when you return.
By the way your easter eggs are safe- at the moment!!
Let me know if you manage to get your photos on Facebook.
The builders have put in the door today:wall tomorrow and roof goes on on Friday.
Take care all of you
Love Mum/Lindsay xxxx
Auntie Wend
Hi Gracie and all.
I bet it's great to have everyone together and have lots of laughs.
Grace, vehicle is a very difficult word to spell! Well done. Anyway I think it is much better to have your own versions of spellings. It shows you are an individual who does not need to follow others and is confident in herself.
Lots of love from Stoke on Trent
Thank you malc for your contribuion - i feel much better about this now!
Linz - it is very difficult to upload photos, it takes ages and when you have to pay it can be a pain! i have tried a few times and failed each time - which just upsets me! i do have 300 photos to upload at the moment - but i will probably upload 2 facebook as this is easier! i may try this evening! il let you know.
Hope every1 is well. can we all pls note that my spelling is much better then it used to be - i can even spell vehicle, and thats a tricky one!
Love to all
Just to say Jess- love your blog!I love the details and info as well as the accurate spelling!! Well done!!
Please note Grace! I still love you though!!
Love LIndsay /Mum xxxx
PS am still looking forward to the photos or videos on this blog- or do you intend to return home first!!
Hi All.... Have to say "Hello" as Gracie has now noticed I haven't communicated.
Hope you're coping with her as we have had to for the last 22 years and at last have some respite.
Enjoy.. Love you Grumps.
Dad x x x
Erm, i'm not gonna take this abuse Will! Your sister can't even spell her own mum's name right! (last message) which is why I don't let her touch the blog.
I take on all the responsibility and get all the abuse!!
Shocking, and from someone who says "brap" honestly!x
Limz - im sorry 2 hear you lost your 1st entry! i h8 it when that happens! reef was inceredable. V beautiful! we were out all day!
were hopeing the weather your having heads our way although 27 is still nice over here - just a tad cloudy! - dont worry bout the camera! just glad 2 b able to take photos!
Love you lots and lots!
Send love to Malc also - i notice he is yet to write!
Oh and you both failed in the grandparent section of the test - can you text me addresses pls?? (Linz just need Gordys postcode!, you get half points).
Miss you
I also agee that Jess is Lagging with the Blog! Poor effort. I wil talk to her about it, dont worry! especially as the wind was so strong we could feel it this side of the world but she let you down, im not suprised your windless!
Also the text was a hopeful one, and pls note that you never bothered 2 reply and i am still unsure to the qualilty of the camera! thanks for your help. When you get a sec can you let me know???
Love you Kid xxx
Hello Auntie Claire!
Glad you liked the photos! we are having a fabulous time, just glad Luce and Zoe got out here b4 the volcano decided to erupt!
Lots of love you to you and Uncle Al xxx
Gosh- I am so fed up- I wrote a whole diatribe and then pressed the wrong thing which deleted the lot. How annoying.
Glad the Great Barrier Reef was all that it's cracked up to be- what a wonderful experience.
All fine here- weather great over the last few days- lots of tennis. I even annihilated Dad , Grace- 2 sets to love- no not really- wishful thinking.
Glad you've got a camera- will talk to Emily re. this.
Speak/text soon. Miss you loads
Love Mum/Lindsay xxxx
I'd just like to say this whole blogging started strong and quite frankly standards are slipping.
I'm not pointing fingers (Jess this is all your fault) but you need to step up your game.
And if you text me at half 2 in the mornin Grace it more than likely wouldn't wake me.
Peace out. Brap
Love xx ( not to you Jess you had your chance but the love has gone like the wind, and it was extremely windy!)
Hi all you happy globe trotters, checking this works for me. Thought you'd like to know the sun is shining here. Grace n Jess the photos were great, can really imagine all the brill things you are doing. Enjoy another flight Z n L and think about all those poor people who are stuck in airports on our side of the world. You were so lucky !!
Take care and enjoy and keep taking the pics. Love to all