Hi Girls,
I've been checking out all the photo's tonight and will do the same tomorrow with Clare. You are having an amazing time-I just hope the next part of the adventure lives up to expectations.
Love to you all xxx
Lilly Fidget
gracey i like the pikks on facebook!!!they r gud
Lov lilly xx
Jess - You are extremely brave! I think twice about getting in the rover with Grace - certainly wouldn't risk a 4x4! Pics are ace girls! Very jealous.
Grace - am going ot do your banking now and text you details!
Big sis x
Hello all!
Glad you have managed to see the photos! There are alot to have a look at!
Will - we have booked a flight to Laos straight from Bangkok on sunday so we wait in the airport for 8 hours or so.
The 4x4 was the most fun to drive! driving on a beach is a weird sensation (like driving on ice but very bumpy).
Lots of love xxx
Kim, Lilly, Charles
Hello girls, going to look at pictures this morning hopefully. Glad to hear you are all enjoying your time out there.
Love from us lot at Highley
Hello Girls- just been on Facebook and seen the photos- it looks great there- am so jealous!! Mind you we did have some sun today.
Love the action photos Grace!!
Love to you all!!
I checked out youtube videos of Fraser island. Looks immense and think i saw that lake.
The 4x4 looks like fun aswel!
What are you going to do about Thailand, or are you just hoping that it stops before you go there?
Hi mum,
Check you out using the blogg, impressed! Oh yes, still living the dream. We're in Brisbane at the moment and its really nice here, we didn't really know what to expect but its a great city. We've had a good wander round today. We wanted to get to STA to sort the rest of the trip out but as its sunday, everythings closed so we're going to get it sorted tomorrow morning, along with the malaria tablets that zo and I have to get. Shame its so cold at home, hope it brightens up soon. Bens confirmed that we can stay with him tonight which is great as will save us some dollers. We're going to the cinema in Brisbane tonight as the company we booked our trips with gave us free tickets.
Glad you enjoyed the pics, there's plenty more to come, we just need to find the time to upload them all. Maybe at Bens we'll get a load up.
We're all keeping safe and sound
Lots of love to all xxx
Lucy's Mum
Hi Girls,
Still living the dream!!!! It's sooooo cold here its back to winter warmers and no sign of it getting better. I hope you can meet up with Ben and get your travel arrangements sorted soon. We enjoyed the facebook pics.
Keep safe
Lucy's Mumxx
Hi all
Wow what fun on Fraser Island. Good for you driving and digging out the 4 by 4!!
Think all this pure sand and fresh water must be just too much for you all, think you either agree to swap places or come home straight away to stop us being so jealous.
Think this is a bril way of passing a message to the Hobson and Southall families about our best chance to relax in warm waters Showers at club not working today, so don't bother !!! Sit and smile at Google Pics !! How many miles is this travelling ?
Love to all n keep having fun
Mum on other side of world
Mum, we ar very well thank you and back on the main lnd, we spent 3 days and 2 nights driving Fraser Island, we rented a car with four other people and the tour company gave us an itinery, then the send you to get the ferry and off you go! you drive along the beach - right by the waves and go to see the lakes and tops of rocks and you get to stay in an aborigy (i cant spell that am an in a rush!) campground and the company supplies tents, cooking equiptment, etc! it was alot of fun! me, Jess, Luce and Zo were the only ones who wanted to drive our 4by4 so we split the drive between us! it w2as Ace driving in the sand and very bumpy in placxes.lol. i have lots of pics but am still failing to be able to upload them! will try wen get back 2 Sydney next week then.
Think we are now flying to Cambodia of Malasia due to troubles in Bankok but nothing is sorted yet!
Glad you had fun with Auntie Pam, hope the weather truns nice for you - we have 3 clear skies for our trip to Fraser with was fab!
Give my love to every1.
Love you mother xxx
Lilly - trust your dad to somethihng like that! i bet it was lots of fun though, did you eat the egg? xxx