Hello Grace , Jess, Zoe and Lucy, hope you are all well and enjoying the boat trip- or are you all back now? Grace, just to let you know that I'm eating a Fox's Biscwit- thought you'd be jealous.
I went to see Auntie Pam in St Austell last weekend and had a great time- she sends her love to you.
We have the school spring fayre on Saturday and the weather forecast doesn't look good!! Oh Joy!
Take care- hope you are all behaving!!
Love Mum/Lindsay
Lilly Fidget
gracie the egg in the pond wos from daddy turning off the pump puttin the egg on top and i went to get it as dad turned the pump on and it went in my face !!!
Hey Gordy,
I also missed Easter very much, it was weird knowing that ever1 else was there without me! i would expect that the fish had a feast on that egg tho! did you manage to remember where you hid them all?
Your island hopping sounds good2! Mum says you wenrt feeling 2 well but that your getting a bit better, im sending you a big love hug now......! make sure you put your feet up and re-coup!
We just got back from our sailing trip! it was alot of fun, lots of snorkelling and sunning and a bit of drinking and some games! have had about 8 hours sleep over the 2 nights though and have a night bus 2night at 12 til 9am! that will be a killer!
Anyway im running out of minutes, hope your ok Gordy, Love you lots
HI everyone. Pleased to hear you are still having a great time.missed you at Easter Grace. One of the eggs fell in the pond - I expect the fish are glad. while you were island hopping I was doing the same in the Scilly Isles-not much different!!! Love you lots Gran xxx
Love the photos Girls- was really excited to see them!!
Grace I need to know the cost of the camera- please can you let me know asap!!
Gran is feeling a bit better although not brilliant and yes the sun room is coming along. Alexander went back to Uni today- feels very quiet without him- he is back tomorrow though -overnight!!
Love to all-Uncle Charles will be impressed with the flaming angel.
Take care Love Mum/Lindsay xxxx
Hello all,
Auntie Wend - Glad you like my individuality - i have always been good at that. Massive love back to Stoke on Trent. Give Marky and Max a big Kiss from me!
Lonz - we have a few things booked from here on out. We3 leave Magnetic island 2mora and got o Airlie beach tomorrow to then head on a sailing trip round the Whisundays where we sleep on the baot and srorkel like the whole time.
Sun roo sounds like its coming along!
Photos stioll not uploaded as internet here is expensive, but at least i cdan take photos with my new camera!
VF hot today - io think i burnt my hands!
Lilly - glad you liked the photos - pls send all my love to your mum dad, and Gordy! Your dad will be pleased to know we had 2 very heviy drinking sessions in Cairnes where we got bought lots of free drinks, Aquired a gold card for a club, and did a flaming angel which involves Cointreau and fire! Lots os fun!
Glad to know the blog is being used well by all! we our having lots of fun out here!
Love to every1
Lucy's Mum
Hi Girls,
Viewed the photo's of New Zealand this morning. Looking forward to lot's more. Hope the rafting went well
Love Wendy x
Lilly Fidget
hiya gracie
i love you pikkys from new zealand x
Love Lilly xxx :-)
Lucy's Mum
Hi Everyone,
I'm making history here because this is my first ever blog-if that's what you call it. It sounds as if you are having great fun but I will be happy to hear that you have completerd the white water rafting. Looking forward to the pics.
Keep safe and look out for each other
Love Wendy xxx
Hey mom,
Don't worry we haven't put any pics on yet! will let you know when we do and you can always use Wendy's or Linsday's facebook!
I know i did remember the Morocco situation! haha.
Who is ill??
I have emailed you too.
Love to all x x x
Zoe Mum Clare
Hi all
Wow what an exciting time !! Making us all very jealous. Sunny but bitterly cold yesterday , would prefer your rain and the fashion setting bin bag. Zoe remember the scene your Dad caused on the way to Morocco with his bin bag on!!
Warmer today!
We have half a kitchen so am off to take away again, am running a happy delivery service fresh meals to doors of ill friends at same time! Perhaps I need to add Fox's Biskwits too!
Noticed U Mal is ahead of your Dad here. Will get him to add message, but he presently has his head under the sink.
This is great - can say hello to all the Hobson family!! Keep enjoying the hols Sandy.
If Blog pics are difficult Zog think of poor me without Facebook access. Will ask the boy if he comes home this weekend
Take care all of you. Blogg HUG
Hello Grace, Jess,Zoe and Lucy- hope you're all well and hsving an exciting time. Have you managed to book some more trips/activities etc?
Do they have Fox's Biskwits over there Grace- Dad keeps eating them here!! Will make sure that there are some for you when you return.
By the way your easter eggs are safe- at the moment!!
Let me know if you manage to get your photos on Facebook.
The builders have put in the door today:wall tomorrow and roof goes on on Friday.