Hey everyone
Today was a more relaxing day as we recovered all the fun the day before. Christina was feeling better now and a lie in helped. We walked down to the beach and found a shaded spot where for a few hours we just watched the boats come and go and christina read alex's book. Wandering around Ao Nang, christina had a lovely ice cold pineapple shake and we found a nice cafe for lunch. Christina had onion on toast (evidently still struggling with the language barrier) but alex donated his tomato slices to the cause so all was not lost.
Back at the hotel (if you can call such an ant-infested place a hotel) we collected our laundry - hooray clean clothes! We took to moving the bin around our hotel room to see how fast the ants (which emerged from a crack in the wall) would find the bin in its new location. The game was over for the ants when we placed the bin in the shower...
We went for dinner in an outdoor restaurant, where there were five restaurants lined up next to each other. Christina had pineapple with squid in fried rice, but wasn't expecting the tentacles to a) not be deep fried and b) not be chopped up. She managed them all though, but for the rest of the evening was very concerned about getting ill and thought she could feel the tentacles wiggling in her stomach.
We went back to the hotel as our thai bahts had pretty much run out - after buying breakfast for the following morning we literally had the equivalent of O.5 pence left. We went to bed not looking forward to the 8 hour journey to Malaysia the next day... Xxx
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