Hey everyone
Today was SandBlow day!
The day started badly. And very early. We were woken at 5am by the sound of what seemed to be an industrial dishwasher cleaning up the mess created by the group the night before. It turned out to be the cleaning lady, who seemed to spend 20 hours a day furiously cleaning the hostel. Maybe if they had a few more rules, like every other hostel does, she wouldn't need to work so hard. It had been the worst nights sleep so far.
We eventually crawled out for our free breakfast, which was actually alright. Alex spent the morning in the supermarket buying things for Christina's birthday, whilst Christina browsed the smaller shops nearby and bought herself an Australian flag.
In the afternoon we decided to walk to the Carlo Sandblow, which was apparently an impressive sight nearby. A tough 45 minute walk later, we stepped out of the trees and onto the sandblow. We were pretty speechless. It's pretty difficult to describe what it looked like, other than a huge mound of sand that had built up over thousands of years and is slowly getting bigger, engulfing a small part of the forest in the process. The sand builds up and is blown inland, slowly expanding the sandblow.
We had a walk around, being really careful not to slip off the edge, and then went to the edge which dropped down to the beach below. There was loads of sandstone and we began to see why it's called Rainbow Beach. We broke a small piece off, and saw that there were layers of different coloured sand. There would be a layer of red sand right next to a layer of dark blue sand - weird! Then next to us would be a patch of beautiful white sand. After a few great photos (which will help this description make sense) we headed back, this time on the road route, which turned out to be much easier.
Back at the hostel it was dinner and sleep, and fortunately things were a bit quieter so we weren't kept up very long (thank god). Xxx
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