Hey everyone
Today was wildlife day!
Christina has named this blog due to her early morning experience with wildlife. One thing we have learnt about Australia is that its wildlife is never far away. We constantly see lizards and toads outside, and if you see something flying above you at dusk it will most probably be a bat.
This morning the first animal encounter occured when Christina was flushing the toliet, when out hopped a small frog. Then as she went to pull the shower curtain across, she saw a bright green stick insect sat on the curtain. After a hurried shower she was leaving the bathroom when a lizard ran across her feet. What a morning!
After packing our bags and checking out we got the Greyhound bus, though annoyingly it stopped 10 minutes after we boarded for an hour long break. We were not happy but we were significantly cheered up when we had a good film to watch for the rest of the journey. We arrived in Townsville, where we would take the ferry to Magnetic Island. The catamaran took us on a bumpy journey over the water to the beautiful island, where we boarded a bus to our hostel, Bungalow Bay. Our room is a bungalow set in gardens.
After our journey we were very hot so Christina insisted in a dip of the pool. After a quick swing in the hammock, Christina went for a nap while Alex had a walk around and popped down to the shop for milk. Before dinner we walked to the closest beach and watched the beautiful sunset.
We had some unexpected company for dinner - a family of possums (including a mother and a baby) were very interested in our food. They were running around our feet and they weren't afraid of climbing on the tables to see if they could still some steal some food.
After dinner we went back to our dorm where the wildlife encounters continued, as not only was the room full of spiders and lizards but we came back from dinner to find a giant insect on the wall. We were unsure what it was (it looked a bit like a piece of bark) but Christina didn't want to find out and wanted it out the room. After teamwork from the whole dorm and Alex's brave capture, we released it outside, only for it to fly back and land on the shoulder of the guy that let it free. We then discovered it was a giant moth. Scary!
It wasn't to end there as when Christina walked in to the bathroom, a white gecko fell from the ceiling and landed with a thud on the floor, before running behind the toliet. We finally thought wildlife day was over and went to sleep wondering whether we would have as many encounters tomorrow. Xxx
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