Our flight from Melbourne to Christchurch took 3 hours and everything went smoothly, no awkward gates or missed flights this time. We arrived in Christchurch, which is the largest city of New Zealand's south island and very English with its buildings and gardens. Most people we spoke to didn't seem that keen on Christchurch but we were pleasantly surprised, its clean rivers and laid back attitude made it a great city to kick back and relax in.
Before we left England, we booked a trip with a company called Kiwi Experience. Basically they operate a hop on hop off service to transport tourists around the country, with a few more perks thrown in. They have reserved accommodation everywhere you go and discounts on trips too, which for a care free trip is ideal. As we spent a lot of our time in Oz driving and having to arrange accommodation and other prerequisites, we were looking forward to the guilty pleasure of not having to worry about all the necessities.
We were catching our first bus to Westport the next morning so we had a full day to take in the city. We did a little exploring and met a few characters, like a preaching wizard and a colourful bearded juggling eccentric, who taught us a few things like how to juggle and whilst advocating the distrust of women! In the evening, we went to watch a film and had a few drinks with some people we met back in Cairns. We had an early start so it was off to bed where Grillz foiled a practical joke, we had previously removed the boards underneath his mattress and being on the top bunk and weighing 90 kg the result would've been priceless, oh well, even Grillz was annoyed he found out!
We have just over 2 weeks in New Zealand now so the places we visit will be short and sweet but jam packed full of action. The next stop is Westport so we are heading from the east coast over to the west straight through the heart of the Southern Alps. See you there!
Adam & Adam
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