Well, when every student is out at Old Fashion until 6:00 am and expected to be in class at 9:00 am, the results are never good. Managing a whole two hours of sleep, I reluctantly dragged myself to our three hour class that morning. I was so tired that during our coffee break, I just sat in my seat and didn't move. I guess I was in better shape than Tommy, who fell asleep three times during class. In a class of twenty, it was pretty obvious to the professor. We tried to sneak out of. class without him noticing, but unfortunately he woke up! Mia was the CA working the desk that morning, and she said, "Wow, you all look either soo drunk or soo hungover!". When in Milan right?
As I'm leaving class, I walk outside and find Tommy asleep on the sidewalk outside. Like what?! Professor Donno goes to step over him, and Tommy props himself up and says, "I apologize for not being more attentive in class today," and then falls back to the ground. What a joke! Professor Donno was less than impressed. We took the rest of the day pretty easy, since we were leaving early for Cinque Terre tomorrow and were exhausted. I took a nap, and for dinner we decided to try Rossopomadoro, a chain pizza joint which we hear had THE BEST pizza, right by the Green Line on Moscova. And it did!! Alyssa and I split the Buffalo Mozzarella pizza. When it came out almost all sauce and a few chunks of cheese, I was a bit skeptical. However, it was so delicious beyond belief, and literally melted in your mouth! The thin crust was amazing. What a dinner! Craving something sweet, we looked for gelato after dinner, but, in true Italian fashion, everything seemed to be closed. I ran to the grocery store to buy a pack of my favorite Italian candy: the chocolate squares with a sweet cracker that Christian had previously introduced us too. Getting home, I packed up all my goodies for our next destination... Cinque Terre!!
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