The travels of Karyn and Robert
It is time to leave Prestento, this is always hard for Robert, he is surrounded by relatives, which is an enjoyable experience for this only child of solo Italian migrants. He has his Australian god parents, but they italians that befriended Elda on her 3 month voyage to meet up with Carlo. Robert is close to them, we love then dearly, but the magic of Prestento and the beauty of Cividale pulls on his emotions. We left, travelled the autostrada to Venice with Maurizio and Bepe. They were able to drive right up to the terminal drop off point, only bag drop off point, only in Italy. With a quick goodbye we embarked the Nieuw Amsterdam. I am typing this on the window ledge of in our cabin that faces the bow and overlooks for the next 12 days the Adriatic Sea. We have just sailed out of Venice, plenty of photos taken of the majestic city, as it glided by. Tomorrow is a day at sea, relaxation and rest, an try to get my International roaming working, if not more relaxation.
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