I wanna meet the voice guy for Number 10 line.
"Exit from the leftaa sideeeda"
"Exit from the raaagggghttt"
Sexy voice.
Sally and I were on breakfast. Was chuffed that we manage to buy from local shops vege and meaty buns plus this kinda cheesy flat bread.
Then the day went like this:
Number one train
Xinyang Market (clothes and knockoff whatever you wanted)
Tony - Obama Mao T Shirt, Red Sox shirt and manbag - We were assured were "Reala. Autenttic"
Miranda - Silk chinese wobe -
Sally - nil
Debra -nil.
Tony a clear winner
We were about to wander off when I spotted a little tea shop. So I told Sally and off I went.
The shop keeper asked me to sit down and made some jasmine tea and poured me a cup. We started chatting. Sally came and joined in. Nek minute everyone was there and Denny the shop owner was delighted to chat to Neal in Mandarin and us in pretty good English. He was very impressed the Neal had a Shanghai wife. Otherwise known as "Tiger Wives" and are renowned for their ability to extract money from their husbands.
Denny decided we all needed beers. He whipped off bought a round of beers and we sat there talking about stuff. After about an hour we bought some beautiful tea. Denny made plans with Neal for each of them to meet up again with their wives - so the ladies could talk and the men could drink beer.
After some sad goodbyes Neal took us to the Hyatt Hotel and we snuck into the guest atrium 30 stories high. Then it was across the road to the giant bottle opener and skywalk at 100 floors above the street.
As if that was not exciting enough we (after walking several kilometres - it was Neal after all) did the Bund Tran under the Bund. It was truly a visual extravaganza to be missed. Something visually that made all everyone who did the ride gasp at the end "I want that 15 minutes of my life back you stealing b******s"
Later it was a Chinese acrobatic show. Amazing. Debra though at one point said "I saw this on the plane coming over. They had 3 motor bikes in a cage!" she went quite when they managed to get 7 in.
The other high points being Tony managing to get a street hawker to tell him to "Go Away" and then giving life guidance counselling to a drunk Californian Indian, IT worker, on the tube ride back to the hotel. "F###ing Shanghai, is s##t"
Debs and Miranda went to bed while Neal took Sally and Tony out for street food and a random corner. Random meats and veges were eaten before midnight and then S&T crashed as well.
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