I-phone GPS is a great thing. The fact is that our taxi driver doesn't have a clue where we've asked him to go is. Neither did we, but we pointed him in the right direction. He overshoots the street, no worries, we have the spot on our GPS and get him right to the front door.
Today we've come to Katherine and Jenna's new venture launch. You can tell we're the visitors as everybody else is trim and healthy looking. The business is called 'Born to Perform', and if you didn't have the label stuck on you when you came into the world, the girls will change all that. They are on a mission and are very keen and have lots of new ideas about how to get pounds off you and dirhams onto them. Business cards and canapés are thrust into Client's hands, and we all have a good banter about Blighty.
We vote to go to the Atlantis Hotel in the evening for dinner in a Lebanese Restaurant. Entertainment is provided alternatively by a belly dancer and the musicians doing a recogniseable version of 'Happy Birthday' to five different tables. The girls give us a lift to and from our hotel. On the way, we see lots of ways that you can get around Dubai : car, bus, abra, tram and even monorail.
- comments
Susan Great to see the the blog has started. Well done. Really looking forward to following your adventures. Also good luck to Katherine and Jenna in their new venture.
Patrice Kwiat Even in Dubai, Edible Arrangements!!! Impressed. Much luck to you ladies on your venture!