A nice relaxed day - the most energetic and noteworthy thing I did today was eat breakfast :)
Woke about 6:30 at The Oval and got all my kit packed up just in time to head over for the Australia Day breakfast - and what a breakfatht!! Mountains of it - eggs, toast, half a pig, sausages, baked beans, scrambled eggs - it was fantastic - but you can imagine there a few raised eyebrows when an unknown face shows up in a small mining community - but they made me really welcome and force fed me tons of food!
After the flag raising I was off - first stop Blinmen, an nice little town in the Flinders Ranges - quite a lot of Hills and the Postie had to work hard at times but the little fella is still purring along nicely.
Then on to the Wilpena Pound - which is where I am now - I've made my camp amount the trees - but this one is an actual camp ground so it's not too primitive like some of my others.
Spent the afternoon reading by the pool no less!!
Now just lying on my camp mat ready for sleep.
You may have noticed that there have not been a great many photos.
I have takenoads withy camera but can't upload them - the only way I can upload while travelling is from my phone - which means I'd have to take two version of each photo - one good quality high res one with my camera. And one to upload with my phone - and I can't be arsed doing that - I'm taking photos and video on my camera that will get uploaded when I get home - so keep an eye out - after I get home I'll blog to let you all know when the photos go up
Right sleep - gotta rest - big hike into the Pound early tomorrow
Ps: this blog's photo is the view I'm looking at as I write this - looking up from my camping mat :)
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