Lesser spotted, world record holding, Brazilian wandering 'bin' spider with an attitude ....eeeek!!
Barra Da Lagoa, Brazil
This morning, on our way out, Ray put the rubbish in the wheelie bin. As we walked down to the beach he said " I was nt going to mention it but I think we have one of those deadly spiders living in our dustbin"..
On the way back from the beach (and I'm not sure what possessed me to do this!) I lifted the lid of the bin and saw....nothing but then Ray suddenly said "there he is!!"
. Sure enough there was a very big, very hairy legged spider sitting on top of the rubbish. I stood and stared at him for a few moments (obviously at a safe that I could run should he decide to leap!) and got quite a good look. Those of you that know me will think I have made this up!!... Being a complete spider phobe I cant believe I am even writing this!!
Anyway we slowly put the lid down and went straight back to consult Google images. It turns out that yes, this was indeed a Brazilian Wandering Spider and yes it is the most deadliest type of spider on the planet!!!!! Here are some quick Wiki facts about our little friend.....Brazilian wandering spiders appear in Guinness World Records from 2010 to present day as the world's most venomous spider. Wandering spiders are so-called because they wander the jungle floor at night, rather than residing in a lair or maintaining a web. During the day they hide inside termitemounds, under fallen logs and rocks, and in banana plants and bromeliads and is known to hide in dark and moist places in or near human dwellings (such as wheelie bins!!!...ok that was nt a Wiki fact!)....bloody ell!!.. So they like to hide in bunches of bananas!!...brilliant, we are surrounded by banana trees here and if provoked they dont run away...they rear up on four of their legs and take you on..if you prod them with sticks they run up the stick and bite you...fiesty fellows...needless to say....I will not be taking the bins out here.....ever!!!!
- comments
Lis x Oh my............ I remember seeing you do the wild tootsie because we thought we'd seen a spider...