Hi All, sorry that this has taken so long but it's all been pretty hectic to say the least.
So, we start our journey in Delhi. We arrived on 4th November and missed Diwali buy one day unfortunately. There were still celebrations when we arrived and fireworks going off everywhere so it was still pretty cool.
We have walked the streets a few times and seen some sights, a cow tried to come into the place we were having dinner last night. (Note that I don't say restaurant as it wasn't quite a restaurant and also not quite street food, kind of a mix between the two!)
We have been on unbelievably crazy ricshaws today which were brilliant and we got stuck in Delhi rush hour. We thought Rome was bad but the Italians have nothing on this!
We visited the Red Fort and Jama Masjid too and I am dressing the part having bought some Indian attire in the local market. However my attempts to blend in were not successful when lots of people started asking to have their photo taken with me. I am taking it as a compliment and not that we were the only Western people around.
Anyway, it is really hectic and takes a bit of getting used to. We are adjusting and learning to live in the crazy place and having a wonderful time. We'll upload some more photos when we get the chance. But this one shows a bit of what it's like.
Love to all and we'll update again soon.
- comments
Mum and Dad Harrison Excellent update well done you two, so glad you are enjoying the new and amazing experiences. Thank you for sharing it with us. Love you both so much
Barry & Kay Davies Thanks for the update. Glad you're both having a great time. Do take care about what & where you eat! Love to you both.
Fran Pearson Tis wonderful to hear news and know that you are really having an adventure. Be kind to the cows! Loads of Love, Ma & Pa
Robert and Linda What a treat to follow your travels!