Sam's Thai Travels
Hey All!
Been here a week or so now and the training is in full swing. Getting up at 7.30 am has been a bit of a shock to the system and then doing some work... !?!?! Don't think my body quite knows what's going on! It's good though. We have had lessons in the morning about how to teach and lesson plans etc etc (there's actually more to learn than you would think!) and then in the afternoon we teach, with a partner, a lesson that we planned the day before, to the rest of the group. I've been teaching with a guy called Greg who's really nice and from the Isle of White (and no he's not an inbred!). We get on really well together so will probably go and teach in a school together. In the afternoons after we've finished our teaching, some of us have been exploring the island and the schools and the accomodation that we would stay in. Some areas have really nice rooms and rubbishy beaches and others have amazing beaches and not so nice rooms. Hopefully we can find a happy medium somewhere. In the evenings everyone has mostly eaten together at various restaurants. The other night we ate at this great resort that had a bbq with fresh baracuda, crab etc - v.tasty and lovely how we all just sat on cushions outside. Haven't really stayed up too late every night cos we've had to get up so early! Although the other night we had a massive thunderstorm and there was lightening and thunder going constantly all night right above our heads - I was quite scared at one point! The electricity went off and so... did all of our fans - not good and so a lot of us got up at various points during the night and sat around chatting by candlelight with whoever was up. I think a few people actually decided to sleep outside (under cover) cos it was cooler than in their rooms. Felt very tired the next morning but at least the power eventually came on - just as we were leaving for training!
Tomorrow is our last day of training and is only a half day - woohoo! We are having a big bbq in the evening and then we are all going to this month's Full Moon Party! Think it's gonna be a late one, especially as apparantly you can get cheaper taxis after 5am! Will keep you updated on our antics. Tomorrow we also find out who will be going to teach with and where we are going - greg and I are keeping our fingers crossed for a nice school in the north.
Right better be off, got to go for a motorbike lesson!!
Lots of love everyone,
Sam xxx
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