Yes yes, once again I have been pitifully poor at keeping my site updated, and wouldn't blame anyone for consigning me to the desktop wastebasket for lack of interest. I have no defence, my chat has been weak, to say the least. But what is new? I have exhausted all the usually topics; work is still working, Kris is still my partner in crime and Barney still occasionally graces the city with his bronzed statuesque presence, humbling us little city dwellers with tales of surf and snow. Other then my personal life starting to resemble that of my fathers in his glory days, not a lot has changed for T-sticks & Co. Summer is getting threateningly close, although no weather to match and this city is becoming so familiar that the burgh seems like a strange city in a strange land. However, a wee reminder of home will be arriving on Monday to stir some action. Yes, Dr Nod, who had originally planned to be here on my arrival, will be flying in for a couple of weeks having conned the NHS into giving him time off for snow (hopefully on the mountains only), sea and surf. Holster has also made it up to the North Island and Kris and I will be joining them all for a week in our flatmates car, which she seemed very willing to lend us-cool. Expect pictures of good times soon!
As for longer-term plans, my ticket out of this country has now expired so my next steps are a little vague. Possibly the states, or OZ, or Vietnam to teach English (surely one needs to finish school before one can teach in one? apparently not over there!). My Visa runs out in April, so that will be time to leave here, and I would like to make it to the YP re-union in Findhorn next June. So lets see how we go.....Lots of love to all (who still have the patience to check these vacant pages,Teva
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