Teva's Travels
Radio silence for too long
I have been meaning to get in touch with everybody for ages, but the usual distractions have made life a little busy for young buck over here. Sadly I am now without any, temporarily, and must console myself with thoughts that I still have friends afar.
It's my day off; huddled under my nice new duck-down duvet tap taping away on Kris's tinky as dell laptop and wishing I hadn't travelled to this fine land in the middle of winter. Wind and rain are lashing my window, the heater is on high; my power bill will be through the roof, (yes, mother, I know I should toughen up and put on an extra layer) and turning on the T.V. provides little escape. The news only brings word of road closures and flooding, along power-cuts and the occasional earthquake to boot!
Maybe I am in a dark place; really I love it here, and have no reason for complaint.
My job is fantastic, a wonderful working environment, and I have Kris the veg packer for company. The sustainable corporate ladder is being climbed at a steady pace and I am proving myself in yet another retail environment. Also young twinkle-toes is having an illicit affair with one of our superiors, it brings me great delight to torment them throughout the quieter periods.
As you may know, Barney is up in Taranaki getting fit, leaving us to wallow in our own city haze down here. But we were graced with his presence for one short night and made the most of it by, um, dressing up like girls* and then trying to impress said girls by acting like a bunch of silly idiots who've been friends since birth and insist on calling each other 'dog' and 'bear'. As you can imagine, it works every time! He shall return, god willing, for more boyish antics in the future.
I have, however, also released that I have travelled to the other side of the planet, only to get up to the same sort of mischief I would do back home. I know that a change is as good as a rest and all, but feel that I should in some way be doing something to enrich my soul, too. First step, join a yoga class, paid upfront so no skiving (check). Next acquire a guitar (check). Notice I did not say pay for one, that may be a little too committal. Other activities are also on the horizon, go running, enjoy the arts on display here, watch at least five films in the Wellington film festival, etc, etc. Life is a garden, and I intend to dig it.
So plans are afoot for a jaunt up to bear country mid august, more (hilarious?) pictures on there way. Till then I will try my best to keep busy- our house still needs a little TLC so no internal photos yet.
Oh yes, let me also clarify that although Kris did rough me up a little, it was for my own good and an act of love for which I am grateful. Boys will be boys and we need to release tension somehow. And a good scrape seems the best way for two men to do so!
Also, I have noticed that the message board on 'TEVA'S TRAVELS' seems to have become, 'Isaksen's way of harassing Kris' message board. The fact is he is to lame and cheap to set up his own coolieo web weaver, but I am sure that if you all chipped in you could give him one as a present. I would be happy to help him with the technical side of things, and then he can put Barney ( and I to shame with his witty take on our Wellintonian existence.
All my love to every one
Over and out....
*yeah, that will show those people out there who questioned mine and Kris's relationship?
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