Hi All
There have been many hours of reflection time for me on this trip - just what I have needed. I have managed to capture some of those thoughts which I'd like to share with you. Thank you so much for all your support over the past 6(ish) months, you've been amazing and I feel that a few of you have travelled this with me. Never underestimate how much you're in my thoughts.
I've learned...
My iPod was my companion when I was alone and that kept me going. To be alone and happy.
That actually, I really do love my life, just as it is.
A hangover is a hangover where ever you are on the globe.
That boys will be boys regardless of culture.
That the universal language of smiling is under rated and under
I've learned...
Where my heart home, with my friends and family.
That I have stronger thighs than I thought.
That one day anti-bacterial soap, 100% deet and tiger balm will save
the world.
Sand chafes, end of.
One or two things about who my friends are.
I've learned...
That I'm mentally and emotionally stronger than I ever thought I
could be.
That material and physical perceived boundaries need and should be
To have faith in the kindness of humantiy - there really are
genuine, kind people out there, though there are some thieving
bas&ards to.
That we can happily live on much, much less than we think.
I've learned...
That it really is OK to lean on someone from time to time.
That confusion or heartache lies within and sadly, wont leave at the
boarding gate or the bus stop.
To go without touch.
That I miss my adventure racing!
That I wouldn't change a single thing about my trip and the choices
I've made pre, during and post...well maybe rough it a little the next time!
I've learned...
To love flying and long bus trips as it means that for that period
of time, someone else is looking after me and that feels good.
That If you can't see the tiolet chain, walk away quickly.
That we can manage with much less sleep than we think.
That I can deal with vile insects...well kind of....
That to receive a text or mail that says 'I'm thinking of you' is
enough to renew my spirit wholeheartidly.
I've learned...
That we're all the same, with the same basic needs, wants and
That I LOVE having baths and clean fluffy towels.
That Flip flops rule and sand fly bites fu**ing hurt!
That you should ALWAYS wash fruit.
That life is for sharing, it has to be.
I've learned...
To trust others more and to ALWAYS trust your intuition, it's never
Assume nothing.
That the importance of coverstick will never waign.
That if you pack a damp towel it will stink forever.
Cab drivers WILL rip you off.
A lot about my strength of character when I can trust the locks on
my pack more than the locks on my bedroom door.
I've learned...
That if you're feeling low, don't drink alcohol, don't play sad
music and don't even think about texting anyone!
That a sarong is the single most valuable thing you'll ever pack.
Never, ever leave your drink unattended.
Well I'm back at home safe and sound and have some great news. Rob and I have decided to get married and have set a date....we are getting married on the 20th September 2007 in Florence, Italy. OMIGOD!!!!!! Mrs Allen!!!! :-)
I've never read so many books in all my life and what best way to read them, than in a hammock on the Sapodilla Cayes in Belize (I ended up buying 3 hammocks!)
See you all very soon.
Teresa xxx
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