28th November 2006 - Last day at work
29th November 2006 - My birthday (happy birthday to me!) I was spoilt rotten - thank you Rob for making my birthday so special - I love you so much
30th November 2006 - Pack!
1st December 2006 - Depart London Heathrow at 21:45 for Bangkok (sniff-sob) and a special day for me too! +7
7th - 13th December 2006 - Sydney, Australia +10
13th - 17th December 2006 - Cairns, Australia +10
17th - 19th December 2006 - Melbourne, Australia +10
19th - 26th December 2006 - Sydney, Australia (spend Christmas week with my relatives) +10
26th December - 6th January 2007 - Auckland, New Zealand North Island (meet Rob at the airport - yippeeeee!) :-) +12
6th - 20th January 2007 - Fiji -12
20th - 23rd January 2007 - LA (more sniff-sob for me, say goodbye to Rob on the 23rd Jan) :-(
23rd January - 17th February 2007 - Belize
17th February - 26th April 2007 - Honduras (Rob meets me again in a months time - hurray!)
26th April - 6th May 2007 - Antigua
7th May 2007 - London Gatwick arriving at 09:00 BA 2156
I thought it would be useful to put my dates on my site so you can see at a glance where I am and what I'm doing,
Love from Me xxxxx
p.s. Will miss you all soooooooo much!
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