Hi All
There have been many hours of reflection time for me on this trip - just what I have needed. I have managed to capture some of those thoughts which I'd like to share with you. Thank you so much for all your support over the past 6(ish) months, you've been amazing and I feel that a few of you have travelled this with me. Never und…
- Teresa Marra
- Last visited:
- Bath, Uk
Hi Guys! Who would had thought... me going travelling....yeah right...well it's happening and I'm making my way round the world from Bangkok, Australia (Sydney, Cairns and Melbourne) - Christmas Day on Bondi Beach - how cool is that?! :-), New Zealand (North Island), (for New Year), Fiji, LA, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras and Antigua.
You can follow me around the world by having a read of my electronic postcards, my journals, view my photo albums, read my diary and keep track…
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Teresa Marra
Hi Guys! Who would had thought... me going travelling....yeah right...well it's happening and I'm making my way round the world from Bangkok, Australia (Sydney, Cairns and Melbourne) - Christmas Day on Bondi Beach - how cool is that?! :-), New Zealand (North Island), (for New Year), Fiji, LA, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras and Antigua.
You can follow me around the world by having a read of my electronic postcards, my journals, view my photo albums, read my diary and keep track of my whereabouts. Please, please, please stay in touch 'cos I'll miss you loads - You can use the message board to leave me a message or if you prefer to send me a personal e-mail then send to
[email protected]
I will miss you all so much (especially Rob and my little Godson Taylor my Nephews and Nieces) - love you all so, so much xxxx.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Sending you lots and lots of amore and baci.
Teresa xxxx
"The greatest discovery of our generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind. As you think, so shall you be"
William James
"If it wasn't hard, it wouldn't be worth doing"
Sir Peter Blake