Arrived back in beijing, tired and weary, Shanghai was amazing and the train ride back was at least 1st class.....though we had to share our 4 berth cabin with a chinese medical salesman selling orthopeadic equipment !! we needed Sarah... his english was very good and we had a great time chatting to him and his colleagues who thought we were hilarious! not sure why..Alex is off home tomorrow and we begin our journey to the south west Chengdu and pandas here we come. Our hotel in beijing is very, very nice so glad we are not doing this like real backpackers! Went to the mongolian embassy yesterday and they were very happy to give us visas back through their country so at least we know we can get back to moscow - hopefully the belarussian embassy in moscow will be as good. Will try to put more pics on the site tomorrow as this hotels internet access seems quicker. love to all usXXXXX
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