Can only blog via mobile atm, bit out in the sticks. Online blog location may be out. Off to work 4 days with elephants tomorrow!
Mum R
Sounds very exciting and a bit scary!! Thanx for info re location issue. If you are in Surin the blog map is way off but at least we now know you were on the right train and got to the Elephants OK x Can't wait to hear about this part of your trip !!! Keep your wellies handy....for elephant 'issues' and large puddles!! x
Mum R Sounds very exciting and a bit scary!! Thanx for info re location issue. If you are in Surin the blog map is way off but at least we now know you were on the right train and got to the Elephants OK x Can't wait to hear about this part of your trip !!! Keep your wellies handy....for elephant 'issues' and large puddles!! x